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Logan Deathbringer

A New Review, Please need a new review

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SPAM :( To start with, I like the design very much. It is dark, but has a lot of curves, which makes the web site more alive. The thing that doesn't fit the design is the "KOG TEAM SPEAK". Even though the interior is OK, the scroll bars (both vertical and horizontal) stand out. I believe that it can be fixed by the use of CSS.Next, I think that polls would look better if there weren't a white border around the choices. Furthermore, in the left sidebar, there should be some space between the menu, the login module, and the RSS feed. Speaking of which, I don't think you need the RSS feed. If you think that it is necessary, however, you might consider redesigning the buttons so that they fit the overall web site design.As for the CMS and BBS, SMF really is good, but I don't like Mambo. As far as I know, there were some problems, because it was supposed to become paid for. That's why a part of the Mambo team separated and started their own project, Joomla! It is practically Mambo, but free and much better. I think you should consider switching.

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At first sight, my initial reaction is "Wow! This is good-lookin'!"On second thought, I agree with pyost about the KOG Team Speak- awkwardly placed. The color scheme is also a little off from the rest of the site, but if that is the only way it's gonna be, it should be put somewhere else. You only need to change one variable there- the color or the location.Other than that, I think it's great!

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I had been planning on moving and redoing the teamspeak window, the problem is that I'm still working on a new CSS for it, and then moving it down to another place on the site, or replacing it with a different module that is more "configurable". Thanks for the feed back, all this input has made all the work I've put into the site worth it.If anyone else would like to give their input then please do. As for changing over to Joomla, I've been thinking about it and looking into it.

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Dude, get your credits up.I wanted to see it again, but it's suspended.

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