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Piracy Is Spreading - Is it a New Age Culture ? Is it a culture?

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if someone can come up with a legitamate excuse for blatently pirating software, i would love to hear it.Im not talking about the MS will only let me activate xp x number of times, or Adobe wont let me install my educational version on more than 2 computers so i got a keygen... Im talking about a real reason.
Just my .02

Well I don't know if this is the example your looking for but I'll explain a situation I was in a few years ago. I was going to college full time and working full time, so I was regularly putting in 16-20 hour days 5/6 days a week. I had 1 day a week where I didn't have to work or take classes or do homwork so I crashed those days, or partied depended on how tired I was.

So anyways I had my car break down and didn't have the money to repair it cause I was paying a lot in rent to stay close to my job and school, so what did I do...well unlike your example I'll be honest...I did steal the parts I need to fix my car so I wouldn't lose my job or fail college. Also at the same time I HAD to have a computer to do my homework. I was taking classes at that point to get my Associate of Applied Science Electronic Engeenering Technologies degree and I had to use a program similar to AutoCAD to map out Electronic circuits. So the software I needed, even at a students price in our student store, was over 150 USD also had to have the computer, and OS. So ya I pirated my copy of windows at the time and the software to do my homework.

I wish at the time I could have afforded what I needed to get the job done but I couldn't. As for piracy, its been around for longer then computers and alot of the countries we currently know. The pirates have just turned from the out casts of sociaty to the kid next door.

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I personally think that piracy is great.Sometimes piracy is nessacsery because some programs like Adobe Photoshop have unreasonable pirces, and many people can't afford to pay 100's of pounds for software...

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I dont see how you can justify it at all.you cant afford it? well then save your money.

this is not real, the guilt is all in the software makers has they dont respect the human rights, every human has the right to cultural acsess has equals, it is not fair or honorable to someone have acess to a book or cd because they earn 5,000$ a month, and another persons that wins 100$ a month should not have it ?

what makes one better then another ? they where luckyer in life ? born rich ? get a job from a cousin ?

its all about culture !
sociaty's fault, we should work on a donate base system, if you have lots of money, you donate, if you dont, you just give thanks for the creator of the software, book, whatever.

for me, when i make a program to someone, a thank you is enough, if they pay me , then better !

juts think about it, you wanted to read x-men comic book, you have no money, another kid has one because theyre parents are rich, you ask him to let you read the book, and so he says:

"SAVE MONEY, and buy the book, i cant borrow you this book because x-men publisher would loose money"

if you where the bookless kid, how would you feel ?

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