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Life After Death Thoughts on the forementioned subject.

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Life after Death


Is there a life after death or do we just die?

This is a question that has plagued many people from the lowest ladder of society to the highest and smartest.


I don't claim to be a scholor or even close to one on the subject, but as everyone else has i have also come up with my own hypothosis if you will on the subject.


I'm torn between ideas since I am a practicing Christian and believe there is an Almighty Power that created us and guides us more or less in life. God if that is what you want to call him, which i believe is just a word people have tacted on to the almighty over the years. So to an extent i believe in a heaven but I don't read enough of the bible to understand what heaven is and I don't believe there is a vivid description of it in there. If there is please let me know the passages.


On to my belief....I know that even if there isn't a "life after death" in the sense that i'm still me and can see/ hear/ communicate or whatever i know my body will go on to feed the soil which will in a manor or another feed nature as in the animals or the plants and that which helps life prosper and continue on the planet. And that is one thing i see as good in death. I was actually starting this post to inquire on other people's points of view and what they believe(not strictly one reliegion either). I'm very interested in other viewpoints and perspectives and do not want to argue as otehr people do. I simply wish to expand my horizon on religion and the thought of life after death.


I hope to hear from you soon! I will most diligently look back to see what was and who has posted in this topic. Thank you

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Firstly, I am not religious, so if I offend then I haven't meant to but don't flame me.In all honesty, I haven't thought about what lies after death. I know it is a natural thing to do, but one of the reasons is that I don't see the point in wallowing in what will be, rather than what is (projection is different to prediction). Therefore, I don't have any thought on what will become of us when we die. This much I can say though, we have many choices after life. Our concsience minds could go flying around this plaine of existence, or other ones, our bodies could astro-project to some heavenly (or hell) place that is of energy or any other scientifically viable thing.There must be a million and one things after life, and that is another reason why I choose not to look too much into life - because of the infinite possibilities.--mikP.S. 400th post

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I'm a practicing Christian as well. (I promise I won't try to convert anybody - that's just annoying.)My afterlife has already been taken care of. God's dealt with whatever it is that happens, exactly, but I don't get to find out what it is until I'm physically dead. Because I don't believe in reincarnation, I live my life as if this is the only shot that I get on this planet. It's a lot more productive than either dwelling on the past or spending a bunch of time trying to figure out what the afterlife will be like.I think that, even though I know this and try to practice this, I still end up wasting lots of time that could be better spent living in the present, or maybe the near future. We're curious by design, so it's difficult to avoid wondering how things would be different if we'd done something else in the past ... or what things will be like in the future.So ... maybe you should find a 365-day Bible (you know - the kind that lays out passages so that you can read the entire Bible in a year, or two years, or even three years if you prefer) and read. Find out what Jesus said about life on earth while He was living it - He had a lot to say about how we treat God and each other, among other things. I've found that when I want answers the best way to find them is to look for myself.

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My vision of life after death is based on three fundamental principles in which I believe. The first is the rule of natural law. Just like there are natural laws in the physical world, I think there are natural laws in the spiritual world. I just don't think the whole idea of the judgement of God holds up very well. The second is that I do not think that our responsibilites in life can be escaped so easily. I do not think truth will be revealed at death, I think it will be even harder to find. I do not think the barriers between people built or accepted in life will vanish after death but that they will be even harder to overcome. The third is that I think that life is a preparation for our life after death. I think that death is a bit like birth. Where we suddenly find ourselves in a much bigger world, where many things which we have taken for granted are no longer automatically supplied, but require abilities which we are supposed to have developed in this world. I mean for example, the common reality and connections with other people that are automatically supplied by the physical laws of space and time. I think these automatic connection will not exist and that we may easily find ourselves completely alone, even though it may take some time to realize it, if we ever do.So what are these abilities that we are deviloping in this world? Well I think that life is all about the choices we make and that these choices are the essence of our spiritual existence or soul. So I think it is the ability to make choices -- effective choices, that will determine whether we can make it in spiritual world. Do we make choices for greater life (enriching the life of others) or do we choose death (destroying and devastating the lives of others). Choosing life is not always completely obvious. There are subtleties which require a deeper understanding of the nature of life. For example, responsibility is an important aspect of the nature of life. Do we choose to be alone or with other people? Again we may think it is an obvious choice, but do we accept people for who they are and try to fit ourself into their lives, or do we try to fit them into our life? I am afraid, that the second is really choosing to be alone.I think life after death is our dreams come true. Sound nice? I don't think so. The question is, what are our dreams. Do we really think that we know what will bring us happiness, any more than child does? We may think so. But in my experience, people are so deluded, so full of self-deceptions, that the truth is they haven't a clue. I think that just given three wishes in life we are most likely to mess up our lives completely. Often the more freedom and control we have over our lives, just provides more rope with which we can hang ourselves.I think the real difference between heaven and hell is a very simple one. It is all a matter of whether we manage to get help. Help from the one source, directly or indirectly, whose help will do us any good in the long run. We need help from the one source that knows us better than we know ourselves, who knows what choices will bring us happiness. Oh! I bet you are thinking, "just great, all I need is someone making choices for me." But, .... We are used to choosing favorite colors and ice cream flavors.... We are used to choices in small doses which we can manage. We are use to making choices which have insignificant consequences. I think we have no idea of the enormity and scope of critical choices that face us after death and that when we do, it will make our life experience of choosing nearly insignificant. Also, I don't think it will be like a quiz we have to take. Everything we do will be choices without even realizing it. In life we are used to making choices all the time that have so little consequence, that I fear we are not really prepared to be faced with a situation where every choice we make every few seconds is a matter of our eternal life and death?Without help I am afraid we will all be like many different stones on different parabolic paths under a relentless downward acceleration. Those who have made better choices in life will just start out looking good with an upward velocity. But ultimately we are all our own worst enemy and our choices will eventually lead us to dark places, just as all the stones end up in the same place.

Edited by mitchellmckain (see edit history)

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