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PC Troubles Turns itself on and off

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I'm surprised no one else mentioned this, but check your BIOS to see if it has auto shut down settings for overheating, because if it does, that may cause the shuitdown. Some BIOSes even have automated reboot when the heat drops to an appropriate level. I don't know how long it takes to reboot, so that may not be the case, but it's worth investigation.~Viz

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Computer turning itself on and off by itself?

PC Troubles


When I turn on my computer it will start to load for like 5 seconds and then turn off by itself. It will continue to do this until I unplug it from the power outlet. I took it to a computer repair shop and they told me that it was because of my hardrive, since the needle was scratching (I don�t really now what it is) the thing. That was making the hardrive work extra hard and thus it would turn off. I got the hardrive replaced and it continues to turns itself on and off by itself. Can anyone tell me what might be going on????????



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