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Your Opinion On Dreamweaver What is it?

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I think Dreamweaver is great! at least better than frontpage :) I like dreamweaver because it contains many features, both in WYSIWYG and coding. I don't have many complains about it, but it could be good it they could make the built-in FTP client faster, it's really slow compared to real FTP clients.The coding validator is great, but sometimes, also a little confusing. But all in all, Dreamweaver is gooooood :ph34r:

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Dreamweaver just got better and better, there are always new features in new version and also for guys like me who is just starting in web authoring it really helps me a lot specially in coding.also the JSP features of dreamweaver 8 is just fantastic, though I still need to used my heftynetbeans for coding but I would still say that dreamweaver is perfect.

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Dreamweaver mailto form produces email window in firefox, and none in Explorer

Your Opinion On Dreamweaver


Hello. I have been searching for code to have firefox pass info from a form via email, without showing the respondent the "listed" out email of question prompts and answers. I have had no problems in Explorer. Please help. Thank you.


-question by Susan Braun

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Your Opinion On Dreamweaver


I am an aspiring web designer ( haven't decided if I will take that up in my career though).

And I have this plan:


1.Html(already learnt)



4.My sql

5.PHP framework





I have all the tools and software, and the best of the guides (ebooks, w3school of course).


All I need to know, is whether I might end up doing something extra, because my basic goal is to becomes a web designer who cant design a page consisting of flash and multimedia if required to do so.

Besides I have a good grasp over photoshop.


Please suggest what to do.





-reply by Abhinav Mishra

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