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Just You Average Newbie Saying "hello"

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I'm often refered to on the internet as Pinkie or Kushika. I guess I'll just intorduce myself.... I'm pretty good at (X)HTML, CSS and I am currently learning PHP & MySQL. I can speak fluent Polish (although my speling is poor XD ) and I really want to learn Spanish. I've been learning spanish for 3 years how. I can't wait to earn 30 points. So, each day, if inactive, I lose one point? I'm a bit worried about the point system since I do go on holidays often... Also, one I apply for an account, then if my credits are reset, does this not automatically suspend my hosting account? Or do I have to quickly make up for the points. Sorry if I'm asking questions in the wrong section XD I hope I'll have fun here!

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one I apply for an account, then if my credits are reset, does this not automatically suspend my hosting account?

Yes, roughly you loose one point per day of inactivity.However, if you post several interesting posts the same day, being helpful for a lot of people, you earn several credits in the same day.
So, it's possible to post several times the same day, look how many credits you have, and go to holidays. For instance, if you have 20 credits, you can go on holidays during 15 days, and when you come back you still have 5 credits.
Hope this helped.

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Remember that you don't lose points until you're already hosted, so while you're still un-hosted, it doesn't matter how long you're away. Besides, points are easy to get here. Just build up your sentences into paragraphs with fancy words =D. lol

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