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Alexandre Cisneiros

Suggest Features For A CMS I'm Trying To Design Sugestions

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I'm here to ask your opinion:

I'm going to create my CMS based on PHP (i isn't named yet) and i what you thing that is more important.

Please answer this questions:


Multilingual Suport:

-With Languages?






-User account?

-Or just it comes with User account and the user who wants download the separetad modules?



-If you download a CMS, you prefer to download it with only the default template and get separated templates, or download with many (3-8) templates?





-Other database?

-Many databases?



-Leave sugestions, please!



If you can help-me, please reply this topic.

Edited by miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG (see edit history)

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With hosting here at Xisto you have a choice of preinstalling PHP-Nuke or Mambo and there may be another one. PHP-Nuke and Mambo both come with some preinstalled modules and blocks and you may activate or deactivate any you wish. I know that PHP-Nuke comes with Forums (phpBB2) but I am uncertain about Mambo. I also know that PHPNuke can use MySQL and PosgreSQL but I don't know if PostgreSQL is offered as a database here, I always use MySQL anyway because I have been using it so long. Both come with multilingual support. PHP nuke supports 33 languages and I feel certain that Mambo does also.You can have unlimited databases here at Xisto, and as far as a Blog PHP-Nuke uses a Journal which is basically all a Blog is (Web log) is a journal with a different name, and you could just rename your Journal to Blog and no one would really know the difference. So as soon as you have the necessary credits then you can go to the cPanel and try the CMSs offered there and if you don't like them then you could try XOOP or one of the other CMSs.

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I think you misunderstood him (or did I?). He wants to make his own CMS :)


Multilingual support


Depends. If you want to spread your CMS, you must have. On the other hand, if you want it mostly for yourself and maybe somefriends, I don't think it is neccessary. There is one thing I don't like about Joomla! and it's their multilingual support. They do allow uploading new languages, but that way you can't change the pubilshed dates (i.e. it always says Sunday, 15 January 2006)




Besided the option to upload new "modules", which is a must have, you ought to have user accounts, and if you want something else, for example a forum, you would have to make it yourself, which could be a problem.




Two or three templates will be enough.




I'm am not really informed how much each type of the is used, but MySQL is obligatory!




If it will be available for download, make it open-source :P

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Besided the option to upload new "modules", which is a must have, you ought to have user accounts, and if you want something else, for example a forum, you would have to make it yourself, which could be a problem.


Sorry, I could not understand this... I'm going do make the modules like forums, downloads, etc. by my self.

But I want to know if is better the CMS comes with manny modules, or only the module User-accounts, and who download it (will be open-source) goes to the site and download the modules that he/she wants.

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A good CMS would ideally contain 'news', 'content', 'blog', 'forum', a 'gallery', a 'downloads' section, a 'shout box', some sort of 'calendar'/ 'adgenda' and a 'survey' (not just a simple polling system but a full fledged survey with multiple polls, which accomodates branching). Each module should automatically add links to itself in the munu as soon as it is activated. Also, of vital importance is to enable some sort of ranking system for all modules that is centralized to the cms, as well as visitor and user comments. Of course a central user registeration and management system is mandatory. A successful CMS is one that has less code, is well tested for bugs, and provides the simplest of administeration systems. I used PHP-Nuke for about 2 years and have just shifted to Dragonfly, which I must say is absolutely fantastic. Will write more about dragonfly seperately.

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Sorry, I could not understand this... I'm going do make the modules like forums, downloads, etc. by my self.

But I want to know if is better the CMS comes with manny modules, or only the module User-accounts, and who download it (will be open-source) goes to the site and download the modules that he/she wants.


I was just saying that I think that would be hard work :)

This CMS you are making should have as many modules as neccessary - mostly what kaputnik said. But, with all that, I guess it would be pretty big, which is a big minus. A CMS should be prepared for easy and fast upload. After that, installing a few modules that aren't so big shouldn't ba a problem. If you really want to know what you need, think what you would like to have for a computer related site, a health concerning site, a sport related site etc. You should also speak to someone else in order to hear another opinion. Well, I guess that's why you're talking to us :P

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