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Another Hosting Account: Is That Possible At Asta

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Hello everyone,I was wondering whether it was possible to get two or more hosting accounts here at Xisto? I've already registered one account that's going to be serve as an introduction to my business. Admittedly, it's not going to be too business-related, but still, I think dedicating a personal section in the site may project an amateurish look.So I was wondering whether I could register another site for my personal use. I looked everywhere: in the FAQs, older member questions, and I tried to search the forum itself, but I couldn't come up with search terms specific enough. I have the feeling that I read the answer already somewhere, but I can't be sure.Perhaps someone could help? Thanks in advance. :D All the best.

Edited by miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG (see edit history)

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I do not know why you would want another hosting account for just a personal site, unless the first site you have has many large files ther is no real reason that I could see that you would use up 150MB. I would suggest getting enough credits to upgrade to the 150 MB and you can run both site from the one account.A personal web site is not much of a space eater. I run 2 PHP-Nuke sites on my account and even have a chat thrown in but never use it really.I have another hosting account with only 100MB and just now got to it upper limit, and have 60 rather large files that occupy 45MB Plus a PHP-Nuke and an mxBB Portal mostly for testing purposes.

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Like I said, Houdini, it's not that I *need* another account for my personal site, but when you have a business site, it's a major no-no to include personal things in it. I mean, when I write my poetry, or start my blog rambling about how lousy my day had been, or talk about my theories on chaos math in a business site, would you think that's professional?That's why I find it mandatory to separate my personal from my business site. I understand they can both co-exist beautifully space-wise, as you've clearly shown by your examples, but that's not going to be enough for my purposes. But thanks a lot, really, for the reply.And m^e, thanks for editing the post, I noticed the typo right after I submitted it and it irritated me, but I knew that it'd be understandable. Of course, it'd make me look like an absolute retard, but it'd be understandable. But why didn't you answer me while you were at it? Lol. :-)

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I was getting late for a wedding invitation :D And what a dinner.. Am still licking muh fingers ;) Yummmeeh !! Anyway, as far as I know there's a rule set by Xisto Corp. - infact, by their gangleader OpaQue that you cannot have more than one hosting account either at here or at Xisto. Infact you are not even supposed to apply for one at the other site, if you're a hosted member at one of them. This limits you to only ONE hosted account at either Asta or Trap. This is done to distribute the resources (diskspace and monthly bandwidth) among all deserving members in a fair and equal manner. As you can see, we run on limited resources and alloting two accounts to one person means we have to do the same for everyone else - and thus very soon become incapable of accepting new members :D Past one year we've gone through several server shifts and bandwidth upgrades - but still it's very hard to acquire the resources to start dishing out hosting schemes like that. You see, this site as well as Xisto requires a big fat paycheck to run every month :P I won't reveal the exact amount - but it's not below a thousand USD monthly. All that money comes from the revenue earned from the paying customers of Xisto - Web Hosting - which is funnelled in to keep these free-servers alive - thus leaving us walking on a tightrope by the end of every month :)

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I just came back from a very late, very delicious dinner with my friends. There are fireworks in my stomach. :-)Thanks for replying so soon, and of course I understand that rule, and frankly I believe it's a smart, necessary rule as well. Well, I suppose I can always make the home page about my business, and bury the personal under a subdomain or something. I thought about it and it might be a good idea. But what can I say, I'm greedy. :-)Thanks a lot, m^e.

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