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Rain Man - A Summary

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Hi @ all!Maybe anyone needs a summary of the movie "Rain Man"(PS: I wrote it during my A-Levels in English 2002... i think that the wholetext is self written... if any passages of the text are similar to other summariesfrom the net.. sorry.. i did not know it)The young businessman Charlie Babbitt is being informed that his father has died, but he doesn’t care much. So he drives to his father’s house, where he remembers the time when he has lived with his father. There he sees the old Buick again and he tells her girlfriend Susanna the story how his dad has left him in prison for two days, because he has secretly borrowed the car. This caused the end of their relationship.Charlie inherits the car and the rose bushes, but the money, three million dollars, goes to an institution called Wallbrook. It’s a mental hospital for handicapped persons. There he finds an unknown man who in fact is his autistic brother Raymond. Charlie kidnapps him, because he needs his father’s money.However, he soon realizes that looking after Raymond is very difficult, because his brother can’t cope with life outside Wallbrook. Susanna leaves Charlie, because she thinks that he just uses everybody, specially Raymond. In a restaurant one of Raymond’s typical rituals is shown. He wants a special meal on a special day. On that day he also needs toothpicks. The waitress drops them on the floor and Ray counts them within seconds. Futhermore Dr Bruner calls, because he wants Raymond back, but Charlie doesn’ give up and still wants to get the money.Charlie wants to go to LA, but his brother refuses to go by plane, because of the crashes. So they go by car, however during the ride they see an accident and therefore Ray doesn’t want to use the highway. This is unbelievable for Charlie, but he cannot persuade his brother to continue using the highway. At a doctor he finds out that Ray is excellent in doing sums, but he can’t cope with money. Again something incredible for the businessman.On the road again Ray suddenly wants to watch a TV-report. So they stop at a house and ask the occupant if they may watch it. At a motel Charly finds out that Raymond has been his imaginary friend, the Rain Man. Charlie couldn’t speak properly and so he has said “Rain Man” instead of Raymond. Their father has brought Raymond to Wallbrook when he has nearly hurt Charlie by putting him into hot water. Charlie has been a baby at that time. However, Charlie has become older and so he has just forget him. After the businessman finds out that his autistic brother is very good at counting cards, they go to Las Vegas and win a lot of money. Raymonds meets a woman and fixes a date with her and therefore Charlie teaches Ray how to dance. This is the first time when Ray allows Charlie to touch him. Raymond’s date doesn’t come, but in the elevator Susanna teaches him how to kiss.The security officers of the casino want them to leave Las Vegas and so they drive to LA and live in Charlies house for a short time. However, Charlie realizes how difficult it would be to take care of Raymond all day and so he “gives” Ray back. There has a change in Chalie’s character, because at the end he loves Raymond and it’s not a question of money anymore. There is a strong emotional link between the two men. Raymond has to go back to Wallbrook, but Charlie promises to visit him every second week.Themes:o strong connection between brothers (family)o autism (difficult to cope with this desease – patients live in an other “world”)- special abilities, rituals ;o money is not the most important thing (Charlie’s change of character)o Charlie’s difficult childhood ; had a lot of conflicts with his father (Buick) ; mother died when he was a baby ; when he was afraid the “Rain Man” came and sang for him ; his imaginery friendCharacters:Raymond Babbittautistic person (disabled, handicapped) ; no feelings except fear and not-fear ; unable to etablish a relationship ; afraid of being touched ; hurts himself when he faces a problem ; has daily routines ; if ritual is missed – gets a fit ; can’t cope with life outside Wallbrook ; everything new causes stress and pains ; has special abilities – good at counting and remembering numbers – in some way a genius ; is the Rain Man (imaginary friend of little Charlie)Charlie Babbittbusinessman ; girlfriend Susanna ; at the beginning selfish and uses everybody ; had an imaginary friend – “Rain Man” – painful memories ; at the end he etablishes a strong relationship to Raymond (great change of character); becomes more sensible ; really loves his brother ; understands the effects and autism itself ; not interested in his father’s money anymore;SusannaCharlie’s employee ; absolutely understands Ray and supports him ; leaves Charlie ; wants to send Ray back to Wallbrook, because she is convinced that its better for him ; teaches Ray how to kiss ; helpful ; reasonable, sensitive ;Dr. Brunerwants Ray back to Wallbrook ; promised to Raymonds father to take care for his son ; Ray’s treatment is very important for him ; offers spiritual care for the autistic manGreetingsHarry1984a

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thnx so much!

Rain Man - A Summary


THANK-YOU for your summary...

Plus its really good

I have been looking everywhere for a summary of rain man including the whole story coz I have to do a speech on it for religion but I couldnt find one with the ending so thank you again you totally saved me...


-reply by SECRET

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wOw. ^_^

Rain Man - A Summary


You are such a life saver! most of the available sites in the Net do not provide the whole plot/summary of movies unless you pay for them. Good thing I came across this page. Thanks a lot!


-reply by enNa

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ErrorsRain Man - A Summary

Do not just print this article and give it to your teachers. It has multiple mistakes so you may want to fix all the bad grammar and mispelled words. In all honesty this is a poorly written synopsis.You may want to delete or revise whole sentences because some don't make any sense at all.

-reply by J.C

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/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley2.GifHello.Your web is very good and I can write Rain man summery for my class. THANK YOU!

-reply by Jenifer

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I am a second year student of psychology and hoped to gain some insight into Raymond's autistic disorder. However, I found it an effort to decipher what was said... It was said that Raymond only displayed the emotions 'fear and non-fear'... What is that suppose to mean? And how did the psychiatrist offer 'spiritual care'? 

I think it would be more efficient if it was written in full sentences. I mean it gives quite a overall summary and isn't too bad..But it does not make sense half of the time...

Lastly, Raymond is not handicapped...

-reply by Gilbert Sullivan


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