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Logan Deathbringer

Template Redesign For Mambo 4.5.2 moding an existing mambo 4.5.2 template

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ok this topic is being started do to the fact that I want to mod an existing template a little and might need some help...but first I have to figure out how to change the pages that an existing module shows up on...once I figure that out I will start with the mambo templet mod.

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To select which pages the module will be displayed on, you'll need to edit the module settings.Administration > Modules > Site ModulesSelect the module to edit and either click on it's name or check the box and click the edit button.Now on the right side of the module edit screen you'll see the header " Pages / Items "This is a list of every page (component) in your Mambo / Joomla website. If you select "All" (default) the module will show on every page. If you select "None" it won't show anywhere. If you select the individual pages to display on, you have to hold the "control" (ctrl) button to select more than one item and it will only show on those pages.Additionally, you can have different module only disply if the user is registered or if the user in a staff member. This is controlled with the "Access Level" option. I usually set the Admin Menu (Other Menu) to "Special" so it only shows up for me. No reason for everyone to see that link and it adds a second layer of protection to the Admin directory.[/hr]If you want a module to display in different places depending on which page in being displayed, you need to create a copy of the module and edit it to do as you want being sure not to overlap a page that already has the original module on it in the other position.So you can have the log in module on the left side on the home page and then have the log in module at the top on every other page. Each module will have a different name but you can use the same display name for as many modules as you would like or even turn the display name off.[/hr]You may find that after you get things set the way you want in Mambo / Joomla, the template may not need too much redesigning other than editing the CSS which holds all of the color, font, size, position, and image information for the template.With Mambo / Joomla, two people can use all of the same modifications and templates but have completely different looking websites if the change where their modules are displayed and the graphic / color information.Let us know if you have any more questions, I could talk about Mambo for hours and never get bored. :)Enjoy you installation of Mambo. ;)vujsa

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OK got the modul things figured out now I'm onto making changes to the Mambo/Joomla Templets and the SMF templets...now I just need to figure out how to change the SMF to stop displaying the information above the Search box...then get a Mambo templet to work like and with the SMF templet I want to use call Helio's multi...this is going to be fun...lol

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OK got the modul things figured out now I'm onto making changes to the Mambo/Joomla Templets and the SMF templets...now I just need to figure out how to change the SMF to stop displaying the information above the Search box...then get a Mambo templet to work like and with the SMF templet I want to use call Helio's multi...this is going to be fun...lol


Well, you really should start a new topic in the SMF forum about the template redesign for the Helios theme for SMF. That way you'll get better information and cause less confussion. Though I know what you'll need to do to get SMF to stop showing the information that is unwanted, I won't answe it i the Mambo / Joomla forum.


As for the Mambo template adjustments, that will mostly be a matter of personal taste and trial and error with the CSS. I think you should start by printing out a copy of the source code for the Home page of your site to help identify which CSS class or ID is which.


Next, you should print out a copy of the CSS and identify each of the colors used in the CSS. Just write the name of the color next to the hexidecimal value. (0000ff = BLUE) Even better, if you have some crayons available, use the closest color you have to identify the color code. This will give you the original color pallet used for the template. Then using the same system to identify the color pallet used in the SMF theme you will use, you can adjust your colors to blend the two together.


Just replace the darkest Mambo color with the darkest SMF color and the the next darkest and so on and so forth. This will give you a very good start to editing the Mambo template to match the SMF template. Just adjust the path to a few key graphics to use on both systems and you'll be nearly set. Most people would be set at that point.




Before you start editing your Mambo template and CSS, make a copy of it first. Just download the entire directory of the template to be modified and rename the local directory. Now open the "templateDetails.xml" file in a text editor and change the name of the template to the new name. Then upload the renamed directory. You'll then have the "new" template available to be used in the Admin control panel. You can now work away at your new template without the risk of messing up the original which you'll need to use from time to time as a reference and probably leave it as the default template untile the new one is ready.


Most of the graphis used in the Mambo template you will use should be pretty easy to modify or duplicate using the new colors. I'm sure you can get help with more advanced graphics if you need.


Go ahead and install ythe SMF theme you will use and let users choose which theme they will use for now so you can deterimine if the colors are working together correctly between the two systems.


Hopefully these pointers will save you some time in the task before you.


Let us know if you have any questions. :huh:



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