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How Do I Switch To Temporary Paid Hosting ? Somethings come up

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Before I get into the topic at hand, I want to point out that, as of this moment, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which Moonwitch linked to in the "Answers to Common Questions", is now a page in Portuguese related to spamming.

Now my own problem is that I will be leaving the country for a few months, in a month or two. While I am away, I am not sure how often I will have access, or time for online activity. I read in a different thread that Xisto offers paid hosting for as low as $3 and change. Is there a way I can switch in between forum-participation and paid hosting easily, or do I have to have two separate accounts?

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Nope. Your account can easily be transferred to the paid hosting - Xisto - Web Hosting.Com, but only catch is you need to grab hold of OpaQue ;) and he seems to have taken a flight.. (j/k) he's lurking somewhere around for sure - just grab hold of him and he'll happily do it.P.S. Thanks for that heads up on the FAQs - I was shocked too. Have to see what's up. Very strange... I come back from vacation and all these funny things are up.

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Problem fixed.

Xisto FAQs are back in action. It was all due to the last hacking attempt - they managed to reach this directory and wipe out the index.php/index.htm and replace it with their own. Stupid defacing attempt - but I always maintain a parallel copy with me here, so nothing to fear ;)

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right now there are no articles in the FAQ ^^ did never use it before and dont need to use it now, but maybe you should change that. If that is the wanted status: nevermind ;)

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