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Tables With Invision Board Is Possible!

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While working on some code for the phpBB2 I got to messing around with the idea and then looked at the code for IPB and found that there was no code at all for such functions so I wrote my own and now use it on my local server as well as one here on Xisto and one on another site. Below is the result of the code I came up with. It allows tables with or without borders, with the border size definable, and colspan as well as rowspan which are also definable and table headers as evidenced by the little table I made and posted. here is what it looks like.


Posted Image


If you would like to try it out for your self then go to IPB-Nuke test site and try the Test forum or you can see the same post in the IB Code Projects Test Forum. I plan on offering this as well as other codes I have written on that site, but first I need more testing and also to have to actually write the install for them so I would rather have several ready and just write one install guide for it.

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I have just found some Icons that I can alter for the color to blend with my other IB code icons so you can click a table or row properties then enter into a prompt the required data for rowspan, colspan, row or column background color, table alignment, cell alignment, and perhaps a table footer but I would just use the [th] cause I dont really know what difference there would be between a header and a footer, but I am not the best user of tables, I know enough to produce a satisfactory one but nothing really complex.


Sometimes it would be nice to have a table in a post to clear up an idea and present data in a more attractive manor, or you could use a borderless table with two or three columns to make a newspaper or magazine like post if you really wanted, it would definately add interest tot he site.


If you would like the code for the tags I have then PM me and I'll let you have them to play around with.

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Made new icons finally and added more control over the tables, now have a total of five icons related to tables that allow just a table opening and closing tag, or a table attribute tag that prompts for five attributes, border size, background color, bordercolor cellpaddin and cell spacing. Also an icon tha allows for both rowspan and column span with a table using a prompt, and the td tag and tr tag, really makes setting up a table much easier, since the attributes must be entered in a specific order with a specific spacing is why I used a prompt for entering the values and producing the resultant tag for IPB. Here is what the posting body looks on a working site right now.


Posted Image

Getting the preg_replace to work right was a challange especially if the spacing was incorrect or the attributes were not in the correct order, but I learned a shole lot about regex and preg_replace in this project.

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