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Budokai Tenkaichi, Just Bought It Its much better than I thought...

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OK, I was very bored today, so I thought: Let's go to the city and buy 1 or 2 games for PSP/PS2...I actually only wanted to buy Fifa 2006 for PSP, but then I saw Budokai Tenkaichi! Well, I decided to buy it and it's much more fun than Budokai3!! The attacks aren't that good as in Budokai3 but the fact that you have TONS and I mean TONS of characters and stages makes the game much better lol. Every Char has a Favourite, Finisher and Super Finisher Attack! Like Goku has the Kaioken as his Favourite Attack, KameHameHa as his Finisher and the Spiritbomb as his Super Finisher Attack. There are also many versions of different chars, for example: So far I've unlocked 4 versions of Vegeta: Normal, Saiyan Saga, Super Saiyan and Super Vegeta!! Each o0f them has his own, individual attacks!! Just wanted to say that this game is definatly a good buy if your a beat em up or a dbz fan. It's of course not as good as Tekken or Soul Calibur but it's still a pretty cool game...

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I have to say your a little bit off on that. The game, I admit, had potential. But It dosen't live up to it, simply for the fact that it has one of the worsed balanced characters in any game I have ever plaied (Yes it does mean its worse balanced than Command And Conqure Yuri's Revenge which gave yuri the ability to control everything, which ment you just had to take over one allied bace and you are unstopable.) This game, although a good beat-em-up left alot of characters more powerful than others, which ment, if you picked one character, and the person you're playing (Which so happend had never plaied the game before) picks a different character (lets say you pick gohan and your friend/rival picks Goku) he can analiate you in the matter of seconds, no matter how good you are. Which in a beat-em-up game, that is completely unfair. The game should be like Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, Super Smash brothers ect. Where every character can beat every character; but instead of this game relying on player skill. It relys on the character you pick, which for me, makes playing the game at Wal-Mart against the little snotty 3 year old brat who has sat at that little game for hours playing before everyone else. Really annoying.

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