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Latest Chaintech BIOS Turned My PC Into A scrap heap

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This is by far the worst that ive been wronged, far beyond winXp and its error code 10.So... ive had a chaintech motherboard for a year.when i bought it, the bios was on version 1.every time a new bios was released, i updated it, hoping it would fix certain bugs involving AMD cool'n'quiet and 2 ram sticks.Yesterday i was using version 5.today i noticed version 6 was out.i downloaded it, and flashed it.re-booted and went into bios settings, Chaintech is crap at detecting ram timings, i usually have to set them manually.anyways, to my surprise, timings were okay.. time to test cool'n'quiet.i hit save and exit... and the machine freeeeeses.so i hit re-set.the machine is now a brick.it turns on, fans and disks spin, and the network cards power light lights up, and goes out every 2 secondss or so.re-set button does nothing.ctrl+alt+del does nothing,monitor does not switch on.tried re-setting bios with that jmp1 jumper.. nothing.so thinking that ive burned a wrong bios, i go back to chaintechs site..after a load of detective work.... i discover that i did flash the correct bios.but the buis had been uploaded an hour or so before i downloaded it, then taken down off the site literaly minutes after i downloaded it.There is no notice or anything on the chaintech web-site, but the fact i bios was uploaded, then removed an hour later is a huge admission of guilt.SO... my bios is DEAD. my computer will not boot so i cannot flash version 5 back.im planning on hunting down the guy that made this mistake... and chewing his face off...but in the mean time.... does anyone know any magic tricks for this kind of porblem ?i have a Chaintech vnf3-250 motherboard ( socket 754 Athon64)

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Nope, broken bios is one of those things that are classified as NON fixable :)Try contacting the shop where you bought the mobo or maybe Chaintech self and hope they send you a new one.

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Actually it might be somthing like the CPU or Power Supply, from what he describes (the computer turning off every couple of seconds) could be a power suppily failure. He says his Bios. Most Mobo's have a special slot where, with the right tools, you could take out the bios, send it to the makers, and get a replacement back. Which I'm pretty sure the Chaintech mobos' (Unless it is just a crappy place where you purchased it) have that slot stock.

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Besides taking it out ..i think you can replace it ...i mean all u need it the CHIP and the old software u need to burn and a thing which can burn it (forgot ..what is it called...used it in my Microprocessor Interfacing Lab few semsters ago)

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To me it still sounds like more like a CPU problem than anything. The computer not showing anything, and shutting off. So take it in and have them test the mobo and the power supply.

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