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Dreamweaver Tips And Tricks Does anybody know any tips or tricks?

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I just recently started using dreamweaver and i need to know some information. Well for one thing i want to know how u put a password on a certain page to help keep the pages private and second u want to know how i can make a messageboard that allows visitors to write comments that will be posted on the website. I know these questions are kind of hard to answer that is why i am in need of real knowledgable person to inform me. If at all possible could you email me because i think that would be alot easier.



-----Not a tutorial, therefore does not belong in the tutorials section-----szupie

Edited by szupie (see edit history)

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try to check at http://www.hotscripts.com/ and try to find some php script for password protect. then you will probably find instruction there how to implement that script. You must have hosting with php enabled, if you are hosted here at Xisto you have it already. good luck.

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To let users log in:1 Create a new page (File > New) and lay out your login page using the Dreamweaver design tools.2 Add an HTML form by placing the insertion point where you want the form to appear and choosing Insert > Form. An empty form is created on the page. You may need to turn on Invisible Elements (View > Visual Aids > Invisible Elements) to see the form's boundaries, which are represented by thin red lines.3 Name the HTML form by clicking the <form> tag at the bottom of the Document window to select the form, opening the Property inspector (Window > Properties), and entering a name in the Form Name box. You don't need to specify an action or method attribute for the form to tell it where and how to send the record data when the user clicks the Submit button. The Log In User server behavior sets these attributes for you.4 Add a user name and a password text field (Insert > Form Objects > Text Field) to the form. You should add labels (either as text or images) beside each form object to tell users what they should enter. You should also line up the form objects by placing them inside an HTML table. Here is an example of a login form with text fields for user name and password: For more information on form objects, see "Creating Forms," in Using Dreamweaver or in Dreamweaver Help (Help > Using Dreamweaver).5 If you want the user's password to be invisible, select the password text field, open the Property Inspector (Window > Properties), and choose the Password radio button. When the user types the password, asterisks (*) will appear in place of text characters. When the user types the password, asterisks (*) will appear in place of text characters.6 Add a Submit button to the form (Insert > Form Objects > Button).7 You can change the label of the Submit button by selecting the button, opening the Property inspector (Window > Properties), and entering a new value in the Label box. For example, here's the Property inspector of a button labeled "Log In": The next step is to add the Log In User server behavior to make sure the entered user name and password are valid.

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