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Hi, recently my computer caught this supposed "low spreading" worm/virus.
I had norton 2005 running at the time, and it had worm protection enabled with the latest definitions, so I can't possibly understand how I could have caught it, but back to my story.

I hadn't been on the computer for a few days as I have broken my ankle, so I'd rather just use the computer upstairs, and avoid stairs all together. But yes, so I went downstairs and nortons going off on the red alot saying alot of my .exe extensions have been infected...I was tired at the time, so believed this to be very important.

Well, norton managed to get rid of the worm, but it said it had to delete all the infected .exe files...So I'm basicly asking two questions.

Did deleting all those files mean that they'd be perma-gone, or just fixed...Because they were rather important .exe's.

And secondly, how is it possible that I was infected with a worm so mild while norton was online?

I've got the link to the description of the virus/worm here:

It said something about ftp/http/pop3 ports being opened will leave a security risk, but since school started, I haven't had time to look into it ;).

Are there any suggestions on how to prevent further worms like this?
I always thought I was safe my norton...So I'm very curious now ;).

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You're never safe ;)Virusses are released faster than virusscannerpeople can create fixes for. About your files, you probably have to delete them since (especially exe's) can contain the virus and spread when you run them.If you really want to be safe, use Linux, 99% of all computer virusses are for windows so that means only a very small numbers of virusses exist that target linux comps.

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If you want to be REALLY safe though, you should use the Mac because ever since Microsoft "stole" their idea of a graphic interfaced computer back before. (Heh its true!!) Microsoft has been advancing and everyone started using Windows and everything. Right now Macs aren't such a real jig yet but it may be the fiture of computers. But who cares about the future, we care about now! So I'm telling you that 99.9999% of viruses don't even activate or work on the Mac. If you get the file for the worm you just delete it. (Which is why so many of those hackers who program the viruses use Macs, they don't want to hurt themselves!) So you can possibly say that Macs are 100% free of virusus, worms, and any of the sort. Macs - the future of the world! ;)

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