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At One Point, I Thought All Free Web Hosts Sucked And I was an experienced webmaster...

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Honestly, I've been cheated everywhere I went for a free web host. And by cheated, I mean being super long URL subdomains, disrespectul and angry staff members, frequent errors and the popular "COVER UP THEIR PAGES WITH ADS!!!"

But never have I seen such crap than from http://www.dotster.com/dotster/sites/fortune-city.bml. Honestly, I believe that they were messing us up ON PURPOSE just so we would pay for a better version.

The best free web hosts that I've seen besides Xisto are

http://www.ign.com/ - hosted by the GameSpy network
http://www.gamespy.com/ - hosted by the GameSpy network
http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - hosted by the GameSpy network

but they all will review your site based on professionality on a crappy videogame shrine. Sad, really.

I even considered paying for a web host until I found Xisto. The only problem I have with this host is because you have to be really patient and wait while the Staff members laugh at you because they're wasting your time. But Xisto is better than the rest and it's worth the cost to post in the community.

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I have a question about those:Do they have to be about gaming? Or can it be about anything? I have found a fairly good free webhost, which I am using currently. Though, it adds a big ugly banner to the top. :D

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Well, some, or few, free web hosts do stand out and they don't suck. Sometimes, I think the ugprade requests to be accepted faster because I can't install the portal site >_< But it's okay - I have the patience. I mean, I promised a site to be running before school starts but I only have 19.8 megabytes of space left, out of 20 megabytes, and school starts tomorrow. Oh dear...

Well, at least they won't be thinking too much of gaming and Star Wars pen-and-paper roleplaying games on the first week of school as a sophomore. I mean, well, things are getting rough here. New, serious-looking teachers that you think they will whoop your butt with surprise / pop quizzes. Lots of expectations thinking that we're a bunch of geniuses in a poor country.

Anyway, read this below, which is the obvious "free web hosting package" statment:

Free ad supported web hosting! 25 megs of storage and secure FTP access to share your hobby with the world.

Oh, right. Can you do anything with 25 megabytes? At least you can install yourself a portal site and post a couple digital photos. Hmm... not the best. You can't do much with 20 megabytes in a starter package at Xisto either. You MUST get an upgrade, so post up!! And do a request quick because you can do a lot of things with 150 megabytes. :D:P

By the way, that GameSpy Network thing is cool. Except that GameSpy is trying to reap huge benefits just from the amount of visitors and level of traffic. That way, GameSpy would accept professional looking and good content websites, devoted to gaming. More traffic = more ad views = more revenue = business.

Smart people, I have to say.

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