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How To Add A Film Edge To Your Photos Adding a film edge

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Hey everyone, Okay, so you have seen those cool photos in the magazines that have a nice film edge on the side and now you want to make one too. Well here's how. You will need the following1.) A piece of film2.) A scanner3.) Photoshop (the best program ever)First take the negative and place it in your scanner and scan the film at the highest resolutionOnce you have done this save the file in whatever format you desire (.jpeg to save space or .tiff if you want quality)Next open up the file in photoshop Using the crop tool cut out the unecessary space. You will only need one frame. This will reduce the size of the file. Nobody wants a huge file you don't need. After you have cropped out the empty space, save the file again. It is okay to overwrite the first file you saved. Now you are ready for the good stuff. Take the photo you want to add the edge to and open it in photoshop. Then open the film edge file in photoshop. Using the select tool select everything in the first photo (the one you want the edge around)Next right click and copy the image and paste in the second file window (the one with the film edge in it)This should create a new layer. Meaning that your film edge is the background and the image is layer 1. now you might run into the problem that you photo is too small and the film edge is huge. This is where it gets a bit technical. Go up to the menu and click on image>image size in the new window you can lower the dpi until it is the right size for your photo to fit into the empty frame. Once you have the photo fitting nicely into the frame you can go back up to the menu and click on layer>merge layers This will flatten the image so it's one file. Now go to file>save as (so you don't overwrite the film edge file) and save it as a .jpeg with a new name. That's it. Now you have a cool photo with a negative edge around it. Cheers

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Cool, thanks for the tutorial '=)You know, Henri Cartier-Bresson was one of the first photographers to make prints with a black border or with the holes of the film showing. He did this because he was against cropping photographs. He thought you should frame it before you photograph, and then leave it as it is.

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