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Hello Everyone another hello topic

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Hello, my name is Kestas, but just call me Quatrux or even shorter Q or Que :P and I am 17 years old male, very soon to be 18I am an webmaster, i like to write php,mysql and html,css+js i started webdesign when i first saw my brothers site, i said i want something like that and started learning html, later php, but my first works were quite stupid :) found js, css, this year thought to learn mysql, due to i always used files with php and could do a lot, mysql is just more comfortable for me, so i am a webmaster since 2002 summer.I was staff of one hosting company which now isnt available, so know how to use cpanel, webmin, fantastico, whm, phpmyadmin, different forum panels and stuff and also SSH on a linux server, i like to help/support other people, but since the 'down' i really enjoy being just a member on forums :PI am using computers for a long time, got more into it when my brother bought an Amiga 1200 in 1996 expanded it and stuff, at that time i mainly played games, in my country at that time a lot of who had no computer like that. It stil works and I'm stil using it sometimes, now mainly for amiga games, as i like playing old games very much.. but using it i can do everything be on irc and browse etc. I am using Linux on x86 now, never really used windows, i don't like their software at all and the things MS is doing.Hmm I have a 4 years old dog, a lab rat.. hahaha by the way I am from Lithuania, that is in Europe my timezone is GMT +2 hmm yea i am a real metalhead, i like Doom, Black, Death Metal mostly, but listen to other substyles too, have a very big collection of music, its not my but my brothers we have our computers connected so share all the HDDs

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