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Hibernation Vs Standby

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https://s" />

Notice from Wwheeler:
This post is copied from https://l'>Here

Hibernation is only available if your system is ACPI-compatible. If it is not, the Hibernation tab will be missing and you will have an APM tab instead. To enable Hibernation mode as one of your Shutdown options:
# click Start / Settings / Control Panel
# double-click Power Options icon
# click Hibernate tab and select the Enable hibernate support check box
  if the tab is not there, W2K does not support the feature on your hardware, bios, or whatever. The same dialog box show                              free disk space and required space to store memory. If it is missing, check for a newer bios for the motherboard.
# click Apply

Hibernation vs Standby Mode are very similar and people tend to confuse the differences. Standby basically turns off power consuming components like the hard disks and monitor. It switches the computer to a low power state. Its much like a warm boot. Any contents of memory and unsaved desktop settings are lost. Hibernation saves state information by writing a hibernation file which contains the contents of memory and is thus the same size as total RAM. This is a snapshot of active memory. When you turn your PC back on, the state, including which applications are running (desktop) and the memory contents are restored to RAM and voila! - you are back to where you were when Hibernation mode started. The restoration of state can take place in 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 weeks ......,

~~~~~it is not applicable on windows 9x~~~~~

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Oh man why do you copy posts like these? Better start writing your own Articles.! And next time please Type in quotes. for outside articles.! Hope you wont repeat.!


Atleast he said that he had copied it and given a link to the rightfully own material. Somepeople just copy and paste and dont give any credit to the actuall owner - which can actaully be illegal.


You can only copy info and all that if you acknowledge the actaull owner and dont try make out its your very own.


Although it would have been best if he had read it all and just rephrased it.

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This isn't even correct !If a computer enter S1 standby mode, the computer will turn of things like the hdd and disconnect the CPU, but RAM still receives a bit of power, so no data is lost, generaly it takes a few seconds to leave S1.S3 is an optimized version, everything is powered off, but your RAM still receives power, so no data is lost, is will take a bit more time to get back to the desktop.The computer won't go throug POST and windows startup.Hibernate is a windows tweak that writes all data from the memory to the hdd. Basicly, this is the slowest one of the three, but power can be cut from the pc. Leaving this states requires the pc to pass POST and a recover of windows (can take less of more time then normal windows startup). Writing all data to the hdd requiers some time to, so, this is a very slow method, because all other (hardware) stand-by's do this in a few seconds.

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