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Dual Layer DVD-R Burners?

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Okay here`s what this whole topic is about

Just an hour ago me and a friend had a convo

bout piracy noadays and how it`s effecting

(in this case) the game industry.Somehow

Gran Turismo 4 came up and me being an

absolute GT series fan just put up a bright

smile and reashured him that Gran Turismo

could NOT be copied due to the fact that it`s

burned as DVD-R format and there

are no DVD-R burners for consumers to buy,

am I wrong?Can it be copied and burned anyway :( ?

Or am I right when I say that it`s UNCOPYABLE :( ?

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There are DVD-R burners, acutually. So they are fully copyable. However, one of the things sony did is modify the DVD-R. If you read the disc carefully, it says DVD-ROM, which is slightly different from a regular DVD-R so that many DVD burners can copy it, but it still isn't necessarily playable. (I think, if I got it wrong I am sure someone will correct me, but I am 95% sure.)~Viz

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DVD-ROM is a non-burned format. Rather it gets pressed in a factory. DVD-R is a format that can be created in the home with a burner and can be played in most DVD players.PS2 uses DVD-based storage and can be copied, but unless you have a special chip in your PS2, it won't play games on burned discs. If you get it modded, you shouldn't have any problems, though.

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