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Creating A New Language? programming

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I always wondered that myself. Could someone please P.M. me about how to make a new programming language? Do you have to make an exterior file naming ALL the variables and what to do in case of a variable. Then have that load every time someone uses the language? Or do you have to get the browser to upload it (FireFox ect) so that you can simply set a global language (example javascript or C++). Is it even more complex to get it to work on all operating systems (windows ext) I have so many questions. If you could give me a time Ill log onto the shout panel that would be so cool! Website link would also be appreciated.Thanks~Sparkx~

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You can create a simple "language" pretty easily, you just need a parser, which usually doesn't take long - for example, I created a simple format to show links on web pages by parsing a text file, it would show links in the current directory and parent directories only. That took me less than an hour to get right. If you want a "real" language, I have no experience in that - like previously said, it takes a lot of work to create a good language from complete scratch. But translation is a much easier solution, but not always what you need - in that case, the only thing you could really do is simplify the language.

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hy all,
first of all please excuse my bad english, i will try to write as correct as i can.

here is the problem, i must make an parser, and maybe a small compiler for school an until now i searched a lot after a tutorial or a website where to find some documentation. as fixxxer wrote it is more easy to learn yacc and to make this "new" language. but if i must create the language in Borland Delphi 5, which is your advise? and probably i didn't understood, but fixxer can you be more exactly on who is Chomsky's?(and to read Chomsky's articles on language, semantic, syntax and description of language)
thanks and best regards,

After some thinking and taking into account learning propose of project i went into this new idea: if a language style is not specified why should you stick with pascal-like syntax? Hardest part of implementing this style syntax is to parse expressions, all that infix, prefix, postfix operators, operator precedence and such. So avoid all of this difficalties by choosing lisp-like syntax. It will be very easy to implement parser, evaluation can be implemented as simple procedure wich traverse parsed syntax tree and evaluate each node. Just piece of cake. :)

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hey is there a way to create a new language, like are there any programs or anything?

Well, there are no programs that i know of. One thing you could do is learn C++ or any other low-mid level language and write a program to reconize commands and do certain things. If you want to make a language that you compile the programs with you will need to go learn ASM and do a lot of coding. It is possible to make a language but it is very difficult and it will take a long time unless you have a team of like 10+ people working on it.

I could help you with your own language.
The thing is, we should create a language which is easy to learn like,

(link=http://forums.xisto.com/) and it would be really easy, that would say there's a link to Xisto and the text that shows up will be on the right in this case it would be Xisto. :)
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lol Funny


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