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Need Help Please Installing PHP-Nuke I seriously need some help with this

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Does anyone know how to install PHPNUKE on Xisto.com ?? I've uploaded and crap but I don't know what to do from there. Is there a faster way such as a script or something?? Anyone have like instructions to install it specifically on Xisto?

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PHP-Nuke is included in the Fantastico installer in your Xisto cPanel. You don't need to upload it separately unless you want the most recent version up there. Simply go to Fantastico and select PHP-Nuke from there. All you'll have to do it enter a database name and some other parameters there and Fantastico will take care of the rest. Completely hassle free and less-than-a-minute installation :(




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When you log into your Cpanel, you click on Fantastico... there's a link there which will enable you to install PHP Nuke...

If you want to do it the more fun way (and save on a lot of space) you may choose to do a manual install.... First:
Go to the PHP Nuke site on Sourceforge and download the latest (free) version... at present it is 7.0 available here

Then, unzip the file... go into every folder and delete all the language files that you do not require... if you're going to use only english on your site... delete all the language files except english... then also delete all the language image icons ... these take up quite a chunk of space...

Use your database manager to create a database that you want to use (this is available in your cPanel)

Configure your config.php so that your connection strings point to the database you have created

Then, use your FTP software to upload the entire contents of the unzipped file to your space (maintain the directory structure) <if you don't have an FTP software get WS FTP here >

as soon as (and be careful about this) as soon as you have finished uploading all the files, go to your homepage - usually you can get there by just typing in your Xisto subdomain name (unless you have marked out a seperate folder for your installation)...

And IMMEDIATELY create a super user - (the guy 'YOU' that gets to mess about with every one elses user privileges), if you do not do this, the first visitor to your site will get to do this...

it's a bit of work... but you get a lot of satisfaction from it... any help required... e-mail me... :( and I'll do my best to see you through...

Cheers... Rashid Ahmed

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A lot was covered above, but if you have the latest version of PHP-Nuke which is

Go to your Cpanel

create a database

go to phpMyAdmin in the control panel after you have created your data base.

your database will have a prefix (probably your username_)

browse to the folder on your local machine with the nuke.sql (in the sql folder)

edit your config.php file see below

$dbhost = "localhost";$dbuname = "yourusername";$dbpass = "XXXXXX";$dbname = "databaseName_what you named it";$prefix = "nuke";$user_prefix = "nuke";$dbtype = "MySQL";$sitekey = "AnythingYouWantTo Put Here";$gfx_chk = 2;$subscription_url = "";
Your config file might not have the same as above but it will be real close the most important part is the host username and the database name the prefixnuke should already be filled in.



The X's and others are different like the text in $dbname = those above lines are all you need to edit, you can do that with the file manager in the C Panel then after you have done all that just go to your dite and if you did everything correctly you will be asked to create the Superuser...do that and then immediately edit out all the text or make the news visible only to administrators, just get rid of the ability to make a superuser by just accessing your site.


If you get a screen that says that there is something wrong with the MySQL server then you entered something wrong with the above file or your database hasn't been created yet.

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