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Hi. I had a look at your website, and here are some remarks I can say...I see you used some very basic template. I'm usre I've already seen it somewhere, but don't remember where, as it woos some years ago. No offence, but I think it doesn't look like a 21th century website. Now about the content. To be honest, I didn't get the main theme of your homepage. What is it about ? About you ? What else ? You're saying:" Now, nearly two months back i started work on my own personal website." But actually, you don't tell the reason you made it. But.. oh well... it's your own right to create a website even if it hasn't any serious intentions. :D One funny thing I see is "Please Donate" banner :D Are you a software developper, promoting your freewares ? :D Are you a musician who lets people download his music and if they want they can donate him ? I don't really see why someone would want to donate you something :D Once again, I don't wanna tel it's bad, but it's a bit funny... Another thing... Let's imagine, someone really liked your website, and he wants you to be his webmaster... How does he contact you ? I didn't find any email adress on your website. Maybe I missed something ? Personally, I think that your website is useless, but this is just my own opinion... I guess there might be something I don't understand in your intentions. About the design, it's very basic and not really professional. There's still a lot of work to do if you want it to be more or less decent. I'm not putting you down, just trying to give my honest opinion.Good luck ! ;)

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Hi Nakul,First of my comments will be more directed to code and all that, then I'll comment on the content :DI see you used Frontpage, also a template that comes with Frontpage. I really recommend changing that, it's a template that has been used so often, and because of that, there's little professionalism radiating from it. You could try to use images or a template you download some place :D Or just give it a try and make your own :DNow the first page we hit, the home/introduction page, this is one of the most important pages of a site, since on this page visitors decide whether or not they will read more or visit again. I suggest to use an indent on your page if you keep the current template. So that your text is on the white part only, not on the blue.Actually when going over all the code, if you want to learn HTML, I suggest using 1rst Page 2000, HTML Kit, Notepad even :D Frontpage teaches or allows you very little about web design. Also use a style sheet, because you use the same piece of code in front of EVERY line of text. So a style sheet would work much faster and easier. Ok, your content needs some work, but so does my site, so I am not going to really slap you for it (LOL I am joking here btw)... But you're getting there, slowly but surely. Just back away from FrontPage, because Frontpage inserts hideous code into your site.

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