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Final Fantasy Ix

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Well no one has made a topic about it so being a big fan of it, i thought i should. Personally i love everything about the game, nothing is flawed well there is one thing... they should have made the game longer :angry: . Anyways i love the game, characters, style, music and etc. I would have to say the music is very touching, i even have the piano collections by Nobuo Uematsu who composed the music for the game. If your as much of a fan as me please tell us your views on the game.

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It's hard to tell which game you mean, since you're topic title is a little weird and you didn't really make any specific references.Are you talking about Final Fantasy 9? Because that's the only thing I could possibly infer from your post =(I thought Final Fantasy IX was good. I don't know why people didn't like it. The FMV graphics were absolutely amazing and I loved the little moogles. They were so cute :angry: The characters were cool too. I really liked that game just because of the way the people walked and stuff. >_> Like in Treno, when they had the cobblestone streets (or in alexandria wherever) the sound the characters made when they ran or walked....it was just so cool >_________>Plus I like the card game. It was so fun. :blink:Now, unless you messed up and meant to put Final Fantasy 11, then yeah. I haven't played that and don't really intend on playing it. =(Or, you could mean Final Fantasy I and just messed up and put the little x there, then I sort of disliked it. Everytime you pressed "A" or whatever it was, it would waste your time and say "Nothing here" or some bullcrap like that. It got on my damn nerves. Never touched it again. I did however, enjoy 2 and 3.

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haha sorry about it being hard to understand, i kinda had a typo on the title i guess, and yes i do mean final fantasy 9. Well its a good thing you like final fantasy 9 and i also enjoyed the card game very much.Final Fantasy 1 was just a bit too primitive for me...

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haha yeah. Final Fantasy 1 is......>_>I mean, I know it'd be somewhat fun just because it was the one that started it all but you know....some of the little quirks are just so annoying >_<

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I thought Final Fantasy IX was good. I don't know why people didn't like it. The FMV graphics were absolutely amazing and I loved the little moogles. They were so cute :blink:


Plus I like the card game. It was so fun. :ph34r:


Yeah I agree. The moogle's were funny as hell :) - they are by far the best save points in Final Fantasy, as opposed to: Spheres, Rotating question marks, *World Map only*, Those funky ball things from FFVIII :P

I forget what FFVI had but if I remember correctly they also had a big moogle presence.


Now, unless you messed up and meant to put Final Fantasy 11, then yeah. I haven't played that and don't really intend on playing it. =(


Same here. Don't like MMORPGs, and paying continuously doesn't rest well with me. I quite often dig out my old FF's and play them occasionally (once a month, every few months even)


Or, you could mean Final Fantasy I and just messed up and put the little x there, then I sort of disliked it. Everytime you pressed "A" or whatever it was, it would waste your time and say "Nothing here" or some bullcrap like that. It got on my damn nerves. Never touched it again. I did however, enjoy 2 and 3.

Never had any problem with FFI & II:DOS on GBA like that. It obviously not as engaging as any of the later FF's, but it's great to see the roots of the series, and plus the origins of Vivi and Dagger's white mage suit.


FF9 is the only FF I bothered to train enough to finish the game, as sad to say as it is :) In just about all the others (bar 4 & 5), I have put it aside, mainly because of boss difficulties, and usually I can't be bothered to run around for hours to train. I believe I spent 10 hours straight on FF9 just running around those sand pools (when you try and find Kujas base), versing all those sand worms.


I really appreciated the character design, with it's more *cute* feeling, and how much more stuff seemed to be interactive, or moved than in FF7/8. I guess the lack of freedom in the way of character stats/skills development might be annoying to some, but I didn't have any problems with it...


I also liked the level design. I'm not a huge fan of looooonnnnnggg dungeons that take ages to finish and have creepy music the whole time with enemies just continuously coming. FF9 was fairly minimal in this, and I guess is another reason for me to finish it too :angry:

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FF9 is the only FF I bothered to train enough to finish the game, as sad to say as it is tongue.gif In just about all the others (bar 4 & 5), I have put it aside, mainly because of boss difficulties, and usually I can't be bothered to run around for hours to train. I believe I spent 10 hours straight on FF9 just running around those sand pools (when you try and find Kujas base), versing all those sand worms.

haha for me it was the Daguerreo i versed the green dragons, i would just keep killing them and killing them...it was endless and because of that the final boss fight was a breeze, my only problem was ozma... i dont know i just couldn't do it. But i also love the chocobos it was so much fun to get to my golden chocobo.

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I have beaten all the Final Fantasy's and 9 is good with the newer graphics and such I like the cut scenes and the end movie as well that they play for you. But my favorite is final fantasy 7. I can't say why i just enjoy it the most. Seems everytime i play i always come back to it for some reason even if just to play it for an hour or so. I am looking forward to the next title in the final fantasy saga and can't wait to try it out.

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I loved Final Fantasy 9 it was the best Final Fantasy to come out (equal to Final Fantasy 10) here is my reasons why Final Fantasy 9 was the best game ever:1. Final Fantasy 9's battle system is very good and easy to use even if you are a begginer( which it gives you the option of WAIT or ACTIVE mode which i use ACTIVE of course cause you dont get the same feel when its on WAIT)2. Final Fantasy 9's Music was great including the battle music which has a really good feel to it and i loved Melodies Of Life.3. Final Fantasy 9's character chouces were good. they all are good with good design and all look teriffic.4. Final Fantasy 9's FMV's were excellent (the best that i've ever seen on a PS game) But for me the FMV's skipped if my disc was dirty or scratched so i tried to keep it in good condition so they would all turn out propably.5. Final Fantasy 9's Tetra master was a good mini game which i was hooked on. But im glad to see that it's used on Final Fantasy 11 online. 6. The chocobo side quests were good and challenging. Alot of good rewards can be recieved by doin this so it's worth doin it.Well i could go on more but i dont wanna.

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1. Final Fantasy 9's battle system is very good and easy to use even if you are a begginer( which it gives you the option of WAIT or ACTIVE mode which i use ACTIVE of course cause you dont get the same feel when its on WAIT)

I'm pretty sure you could have that in all the PS Final Fantasies, anything before that was turn based, and so is FFX (albiet a slightly modified version).

The music was good, especially when you realise how some tracks have been remixed or a variants of music from the original FF.

Chocobo Side Quest? Didn't really go for that hot and cold kinda thing, honestly; sometimes it got too tedious.

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