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Bgcolor Website what do you guys think of my site ?

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this is a new thing i have been messing around with...i used option buttons to change the background color, push a button-change the color. so far i got about 70 different colors going from 000000-00006f....yes i know, doing all the colors will take a very very very very very long time, but like i said this is just sumtin im doin when im bored, very very very bored. but what do you thinkalso i will post my new website template (windows xp pro) it will look just like windows...and you can choose what color you want (i.e. silver, green, or blue), what you think of that ? - i should have pic uploaded come tomorrow

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well... i just saw blue, black and white... u must have been very VERY bored to do that...About the win xp theme... don't u think taht's nothing new, i mena, millions of people use this os, when they browse through the web the expect to find new thing, not the same output.. well, taht's my opinion

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well... i just saw blue, black and white... u must have been very VERY bored to do that...


About the win xp theme... don't u think taht's nothing new, i mena, millions of people use this os, when they browse through the web the expect to find new thing, not the same output.. well, taht's my opinion


yeah i was really really bored...thas what happens when you go to high school and take classes that youve already taken twice :(


and yeah i know that it isnt really anything new...but some of my friends found it neat...idk...i think id be ok...but maybe let you choose the theme of the site before login or w/e (i.e. the windows, or my original chsreborn theme or sumtin else) idk...its all just kinda thought right now, just sorta wanted to know what everyone else thought about it...before i put it on the web and find out people hate it

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