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Ported Mods What are ported mods

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I ran several message boards in the past and one of my favorites was and still is phpBB2 forums software. I also had Invision just like these and Yabb and Punbb as well as Mercury board. The one with the most available themes or skins, and mods though was phpBB2 as it still is, making it quite versatile. I then decided to get a content management system that offered mor than just the forums, and chose PHP-Nuke after also using XOOPS mostly because PHP-Nuke 6.5 + uses the phpBB2 forums as it forum software but there was just one small problem I couldn't find mods that would work with the PHP-Nuke version of phpBB and found that they had to be ported over to the PHP-Nuke system. I did find a site that had a few of these kind of mods but not a whole lot of them. This is when I decided to port mods to PHP-Nuke myself. So what is a ported mod you might ask? A ported mod as it relates to the PHP-Nuke CMS is a mod that was written originally for the phpBB forum but has been modified or engineered to sucessfully work on a PHP-Nuke site. One of the first mods that I found was called BB Code Box mod that added new MS style buttons and got rid of the "Plain Jane" grey limited selection of button on the standard PHP-Nuke install (they look almost identical to the buttons on this sites forum) when you are posting. This got mee to learn quite a bit about the structure of the database for the two systems as well as the differences in the directory structure. Some mods for phpBB merely require renaming the database table names and then editing the proper files. But some require extensive changes in the supplied files that take into consideration the file structure differences.I have lots more to post on this subject but only if it is actually requested by others, especially those that are running a Nuke site. Cause porting mods is about all I do now and spend a great deal of time looking for new mods and also editing the ones I have found to work with the Nuke sites. I just wished I could port over the EasyMod but to date no real luck and it would be a real rewrite and actually become its own program due to the complexity of the program to begin with.

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You can have as much or as little as you want on PHP-Nuke since it is a Content Management System, which means you can have junior admins handle the site in your absense without them knowing a whole lot, there is always the PHP-Nuke HOWTO (which I display on my sites) and the Nuke users Idiots guide. Yes it is complicated if you don't read the instructions any CMS would be, the forums which started with SPLATT on the PHP-Nuke until version 6.5 then phpBB was ported to work with the PHP-Nuke and has been used since. If you want you can even use IPB with PHP-Nuke and I run one of those on my Xisto site which is down right now as are everyone elses due to the server having a coniption and not wanting to co-operate, so I just came up here since I can't make a minor fix to that particular site.

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