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Play Buttons ActionScripting for a play button.

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hey.ive been expermenting with flash again lately. and i was wondering if anyone knew the simple actionscript for a play button. i have a stop action on the frame, and i know how to make buttons, so this is my next step in flash.thanks, SPH

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Put an actionscript on the button.1. Select the button.2. Press F9 to open the actionscript panel.3. Type in: on(release){gotoAndPlay(framelabel or number);}Okay, there you go. If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me or ask people who really know how to do actionscripts. There is another alternative way.1. Name the button.2. On the current frame type in: ButtonName.onRelease=function(){gotoAndPlay(framelabel or number);}Hope this helped you.

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Play Buttons


)this is to rhodesian.Dragon) Mine keeps saying **ERROR** look:






**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Background, frame=1:Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler



Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1




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<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<title>Inmate Testimonies</title><script type='text/javascript' src="../Controls/JWWMVPlayer/silverlight.Js"></script><script type='text/javascript' src="../Controls/JWWMVPlayer/wmvplayer.Js"></script><!-- inline script #1 - JW WMV Media Player API --><script type="text/javascript">Function playfile(url) {/*alert('playfile: ' + url);*/Player.SendEvent('LOAD', url);Player.SendEvent('PLAY');}Function play() /* Will also Resume after pause */{Alert('PLAY');Player.SendEvent('PLAY','true');}Function pause() {Alert('PAUSE');Player.SendEvent('PLAY','false');}Function stop() {/*alert('STOP');*/Player.SendEvent('STOP');}</script></head><body><div style="width: 0px; height: 0px"><script type='text/javascript' src="Controls/JWWMVPlayer/silverlight.Js"></script><script type='text/javascript' src="Controls/JWWMVPlayer/wmvplayer.Js"></script><div id="mplayer"></div><script type="text/javascript">Var cnt = document.GetElementById("mplayer");Var src = 'Controls/JWWMVPlayer/wmvplayer.Xaml';Var cfg = { height: '0', width: '0'};Var player = new jeroenwijering.Player(cnt, src, cfg);/*alert('instantiated');*/AddListeners();Function addListeners() {If (player.View) {Player.AddListener('STATE', myFunc);}Else {SetTimeout(addListeners, 100);}} Function myFunc(ost, nst) {Alert('the state went from ' + ost + ' to ' + nst);}</script> </div><div onclick="playfile('media/audio/2132.Mp3');">Play File</div><div onclick="playfile('media/audio/2132.Mp3');">Play File</div><div onclick="playfile('media/audio/2140.Mp3');">Play File2</div><div onclick="stop();">Stop</div><div onclick="pause();">Pause</div><div onclick="play();">Resume</div></body></html>

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Really?Play Buttons

Use actionscript 2.0 and then right lcikc on the first frame where the button is then type stop(); and then make your button select the button then type this



-reply by Kenny

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Stop movie clipPlay Buttons

I have several movie clips with buttons to start each clip. I need to stop a movie clip if another button is selected so that one movie does not play over another. I tried using stopAll but this code doesn't work. Do you know the correct code?


one_btn.AddEventListener(              MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,              function(evt:MouseEvent):void {                stopAll( );                gotoAndStop(3);              }              );

-reply by sailchoc

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 Whats wrong is that you are doing AddEventListener...There is no capital in the A, the code should be:

one_btn.AddEventListener(              MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,              function(evt:MouseEvent):void {                stopAll( );                gotoAndStop(3);              }              );

-reply by Marzo


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So I've tried using all of the codes listed on here, and none have worked. I have my button ready, and I have the 


Code down in my Actions. 

I really want to make a start button for ActionScript 3.0, because everywhere I go people have made it for 2.0... 

I currently own only Adobe Flash CS4, and I don't like how my images turn out before the preview when I open a 2.0 ActionScript file. 

'':U So I was hoping someone could help me on this... 

-reply by Kabu


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