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Kazaa Gold Premium share programes , music and videos

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Kazaa Gold Premium is not freeware by any means and this board doesn't allow posts on Warez and Illegal software links/downloads. Make sure you read the RULES before you make any posts in here. Warez software is highly looked down upon in this forum and any more posts on such topics might earn you a ban. TOPIC CLOSED.

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Kazaa Gold Premium


Replying to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG

I don't see anything in the rules about what you said. However, kazaa is not illegal software. Nor is kazaa gold. What a person chooses to download may be illegal. But there are a bazillion times infinity of other files that are free for the taking. For instance, I have many files that I myself have created and am more than willing to share them with anyone. They are free for the taking. And there are many other people out there who do the same. Whether it's a document I have written, (usually my opinion about something), or a drawing I have made, or any number of other legal things. Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. No denying most softwares, incluing microsoft office, can be used for illegal things. That doesn't mean that the software is bad, or that the user, in this case me, is going to use it for anything bad. That is an unfair assumption. And your reply to the post was really harsh and uncalled for. There are nicer ways to communicate the same strong feelings! it was quite rude actually. And incorrect.

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