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Free Gaming Clan Templates

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All I saw was free... I'm in lol. So I'm going to look around and see if this site has good templates for games. I will post back a report. But on that note, you should give more information about the type templates. I'm will check it out as I have been trying to make a game for a while now and if I find something I like you bet your sweet *bottom* I'm going to make one soon. If the templates suck I will post about that and why it sucks lol. But from the post I'm seeing it seems to be a good place to get FREE...FREE templates...Free is always so nice. If anyone here has used this site and made a game with there templates let me know and tell me what's up. The things that would be good to know are:1st if its really free, which I'll let you know as soon as i check it outt.2nd is if it is easy to use, someone said something about frames. Not sure what that is.3rd can you make money with it... I'm sure all want to know that..Money is good and its good to make money from free.Ok here I go. I'm going to check it out and come back and repot my findings. Thanks to all that have read this and are waiting to read my post.Regard-JohnNitro

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ok I check it out. Seem to be just a game clan template. Nothing to do with making a online game. I didn't look at everything but the stuff I saw seemed to point in that direction. If anyone finds where it has game templates post the link. But as fast as I can see its a a game clan site templates. So in conclusion if you are not playing the games the templates are for and or don't care about playing these games this site doesn't have any use well kind of.On a side note the forum was pretty good. I found some good thread about slicing websites and all that. So it has good information about you making a site which i liked and I found that information very useful. I think I will make a tutorial about how to make a site from scratch here. I think a lot of people want to know how to do it, because it seems hard but once you get it you get it. So when I get it lol I'll post that..Regards,JohnNitro

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