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What Is Moral Fibre?

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moral fibre is when you find the one thing you trully care about. And when you find it, you will fight for it and risk it all, ur life, ur future for over just that one person but in your heart u know that the juice is worth the sqeeze......This is a very good idea of moral fibre and I think this has happened to every1 including me.l.....if it has happened to u or if u have been the moral fibre....say thank you to the guy who saved u.....he will be appreciated.......FYW I got the idea of moral fibre from the film "the girl next door" :angry::blink:

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oh!! cool ... i can relate. there are some people in my life, that in some way touched me, and became a part of who i am today. they are like our heroes, our life savers. cause without them, especially during the saddest days of my life, i might not overcome my problems! so thanks to them!!!

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Moral Fibre is not love

What Is Moral Fibre?


Moral fibre is not a person, it is a character trait. Moral fibre has nothing to do with your relationships with people in your life. Strong moral fibre is the result of an upbringing that has emphasized virtue over vice, which has imprinted the desire to do good by your fellow man. Moral fibre is that which exists in those people who are willing to sacrifice themselves to help those around them for no benefit to themselves can be said to have moral fibre. Opening the door for someone at the supermarket. Always saying, "Pardon me" when you push past someone at the movie theater. Always using please and thank you when you ask for something, and always saying thank you even if you didn't ask for it. Moral fibre is collecting boxtops for education for a neighbor's child even though you don't have any kids of your own. Moral fibre is making 20 ham sandwiches and taking them to the nearest place you know of where homeless people live to feed them, and not asking anything in return.


-reply by Throe

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moral fibre

What Is Moral Fibre?


Moral fibre is nothin but a chracteristic of a gentleman ...Moral fibre is when preson become so special you risk every thing ..For just 2 be with some one special...


-reply by Tenzin choeying

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moral fibre

What Is Moral Fibre?


It is something, that doesn't come from your family. But it is something that comes from your own self, once a felling to do really good deeds. To do what you love, to do what they love, to whom you really care about. And some times the deed that make them to feel that they are special for you, that's what moral fibre all about...


-reply by abhay parashar

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moral fibre What Is Moral Fibre?What Is Moral Fibre?

Theoe's right folks, moral fibre isn't about relationships and other people.It;s sad to read people's views as it tells me that there are no morals in the young today, they just don't have a clue and haven't been taught them from their family values.  I was reading someone's bebo site and noticed the silly *bottom* copied what doom 145wrote, letting on it was his words,not even giving doom 145 a bit of redit, even when  he was totally wrong.If people don't even know what moral fibre is, God knows what other values they are messed up with.

-reply by Helen

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