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Photoshop Graphics Effects Learn how to make cool graphic effects

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I was never the best rule follower... I always found new ways of doing something, and sometimes ended up finding new effects and styles.I have been playing in photoshop way over 10 years now, and I seem to always come up with something new. I think that I always copy my work and save a lot before I go ahead and play around with affects, that way I don't go way too far into creation, and if it is terrible, then no harm, no foul.I have used many tutorials way in the past, but I think the best way to make the best work, is to go out on a limb and do it myself. It is the best way to do it... your way...Go experiment and don't be afraid to try new things!That's what makes up artists...- skedad -

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I would like to see more specialized photoshop tutorials as well as ones like this, but it would be really great if you had images to go along with it, even if they are hosted somewhere else, or you could link to a location where it includes them.It would be much better to see what's going on, and for some people to get a sneak peek at what to expect as an end result, it'll also help identify if the instructions were followed properly and whether they may need tweaking and/or adjustments.

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