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Custom Login Page For Forums Such As Invisionfree

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i have an invisionfree forum, and i'm curious if there's a way to create a custom login page, with like custom buttons, texts, and the arrangement of it. i dont just want to use what invisionfree has, i want a better login page, any ideas?

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Is your Invision board hosted on Invision? If it's InvisionFree, it should be. If so, I don't think that you can change the login page, but only the CSS for it. You might be able to give them a request to change the login page, but most likely they will ignore your request, or if they replied, they would not accept because of security reasons.If you really want to have customizable features, and don't care about switching from Invision, try to use SMF. It's even better than phpBB, and much more customizable than Invision. I've heard that there are some programs that can convert Invision databases into SMF ones, so that the things that were posted in your invision board can be transfered to your new smf one.

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i'm making a website, and i have a set of forums that are seperate from it. i want to have a custom login page, and i need a script that will do it from my website to my forums.

i found this code at an invisionfree site, but its not exactly what i need.

<form style='display:inline' action="http://z1.invisionfree.com/boardname/index.php?act=Login&CODE=01&CookieDate=1; method="post"><div align='right'><strong>Quick Log In</strong>
<input type="text" class="forminput" size="10" name="UserName" onfocus="this.value=''" value="User Name" />
<input type='password' class='forminput' size='10' name='PassWord' onfocus="this.value=''" value='ibfrules' />
<input type='submit' class='forminput' value='Go' />
</form><br />

i want a form that has imgs for buttons, specifically a rollover img, that when you click on it, it changes to another img, then you can type text over that img. as an example, for alot of online java rpgs, when you click login, it asks for username and pass. i want something sort of like that (since my site is rpg themed). any help?

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thx for the site, but i was hoping someone would be able to make the code for me, or tell me how to do it. i know a bit of html, but i dont have an editor like frontpage of dreamweaver, which makes it hard to do some of this. if someone who does have a program would help out, it would be much appreciated.

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