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Zelda (working Title)

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Dude I won't say they were lazy, in fact the developer said the "art is suppose to convey the sense of gameplay" it was a happy game, but this one is dark, and a happy cartoon link isn't going to fit.


ANyways windwaker graphics, although stupid, tend to grow on you, in the end I actually thought it was pretty cool.... i'm a loser


Well, actually the graphics weren't lazy... they were just different. (cough And horrible cough)


The designers thought they would be doing the world some good by posing off of JSRF (Jet Set Radio Future) graphics and trying to reform them into an epic amongst games. They failed; miserably. I hoped it was my e-mail that made them to decide to change their minds on making good games. :D


((And these new graphics are God, except God reincarnated into graphics for a game.))


I like the kitties. :D

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"the legend of Zelda twilight princess" is very good game :P , i'm in harry to get one , but we have wait until Nov :P ,

> More Dungeons than Wind Waker, because in WW there was a lack of dungeons.

- yes i'm agree with you for this ,

> New items. Zelda uses the same items in ever Zelda. I want there to be at least 10 new items.

- so..... 5 or 6 not more :) !!

> A challenge. WW was was to easy. This game you should be able to pick a difficulty.

- maybe !

> Play different characters. I want to play different characers like Princess Zelda or someone else.

- this i'm not agree with you at all ,i like play just with link and if it must be a new caracter it must be for all the adventure there are some ways tou divers the caracter like in "majora's mask".

Do u know any emulator for the cube console??

- yes there are ,

Have you played Zelda in n64 emulators for pc????

- yes i have play Zelda ocarina of time Master quest , after playing the Ocarina of time in N64, but playing games's N64 in PC it isn't good at all , it just for testing the game .

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