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What Is: Dish Of The Day @ Millenia ;) Da Restaurant at the end of the universe

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This isn't anything real - it's entirely fictituous and quoted from Douglas Adams' trilogy Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe - the same place my signature comes from. The passage quoted is from the second book in the series named Retaurant at the end of the Universe. The idea of quoting it here in fact arose out of this particularly funny discussion about the "Xisto Executive Dining Room" ;) lol... and it's restaurant (moonwitch:

*points to a golden door, encrusted with diamonds and sapphires, the door knob is of the purest crystal* There is it :D Just order the food you like, our cook will prepare it and the butler will serve you on your whims ). The post can be found at one of the mods-only forums, so I'm making this post here so that all of you can read and have fun..


He sat down.

The waiter approached.

'Would you like to see the menu?' he said,

'or would you like meet the Dish of the Day?'


'Huh?' said Ford.

'Huh?' said Arthur.

'Huh?' said Trillian.

'That's cool,' said Zaphod, 'we'll meet the meat.'


- snip -


A large dairy animal approached Zaphod Beeblebrox's table,

a large fat meaty quadruped of the bovine type with

large watery eyes, small horns and what might almost have

been an ingratiating smile on its lips.


'Good evening', it lowed and sat back heavily on its haunches,

'I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in the parts

of my body?'


It harrumphed and gurgled a bit, wriggled its hind quarters in

to a more comfortable position and gazed peacefully at them.


Its gaze was met by looks of startled bewilderment from

Arthur and Trillian, a resigned shrug from Ford Prefect and

naked hunger from Zaphod Beeblebrox.


'Something off the shoulder perhaps?' suggested the animal,

'Braised in a white wine sauce?'


'Er, your shoulder?' said Arthur in a horrified whisper.


'But naturallymy shoulder, sir,' mooed the animal contentedly,

'nobody else's is mine to offer.'


Zaphod leapt to his feet and started prodding and feeling

the animal's shoulder appreciatively.


'Or the rump is very good,' murmured the animal. 'I've been

exercising it and eating plenty of grain, so there's a lot

of good meat there.'


It gave a mellow grunt, gurgled again and started to chew

the cud. It swallowed the cud again.


'Or a casselore of me perhaps?' it added.


'You mean this animal actually wants us to eat it?' whispered

Trillian to Ford.


'Me?' said Ford, with a glazed look in his eyes, 'I don't mean



'That's absolutely horrible,' exclaimed Arthur, 'the most revolting

thing I've ever heard.'


'What's the problem Earthman?' said Zaphod, now transfering his

attention to the animal's enormous rump.


'I just don't want to eat an animal that's standing there

inviting me to,' said Arthur, 'It's heartless.'


'Better than eating an animal that doesn't want to be

eaten,' said Zaphod.


'That's not the point,' Arthur protested. Then he thought about it

for a moment. 'Alright,' he said, 'maybe it is the point. I don't

care, I'm not going to think about it now. I'll just ... er ... I

think I'll just have a green salad,' he muttered.


'May I urge you to consider my liver?' asked the animal,

'it must be very rich and tender by now, I've been force-feeding

myself for months.'


'A green salad,' said Arthur emphatically.


'A green salad?' said the animal, rolling his eyes disapprovingly

at Arthur.


'Are you going to tell me,' said Arthur, 'that I shouldn't have

green salad?'


'Well,' said the animal, 'I know many vegetables that are

very clear on that point. Which is why it was eventually

decided to cut through the whoile tangled problem and breed

an animal that actually wanted to be eaten and was capable of

saying so clearly and distinctly. And here I am.'


It managed a very slight bow.


'Glass of water please,' said Arthur.


'Look,' said Zaphod, 'we want to eat, we don't want to make

a meal of the issues. Four rare stakes please, and hurry.

We haven't eaten in five hundred and sevebty-six thousand

million years.'


The animal staggered to its feet. It gave a mellow gurgle.

'A very wise coice, sir, if I may say so. Very good,' it

said, 'I'll just nip off and shoot myself.'


He turned and gave a friendly wink to Arthur.

'Don't worry, sir,' he said, 'I'll be very humane.'


It waddled unhurriedly off to the kitchen.


    Quoted from: Restaurant at the end of the Universe by Douglas Adams

Hope it made a lively, fun-filled reading. If you're impressed, do get the trilogy, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for many more such mindnumbingly brainbogglingly stupid technological nonsense... :P BTW, I've got all the books in the series as eBooks (quite bulky) and exported to plain HTML as well. If anyone wants 'em for further reading, PM me with your mail address and I'll mail all of 'em to you :D

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Won't you violate the copyright if you send the books to us?I had got all 5 of the increasingly inaccurately named hitchhikers trilogy last week from the library, but I'm too busy to read it this week... :D I'm on the 3rd one right now, about to finish it.

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Won't you violate the copyright if you send the books to us?


I had got all 5 of the increasingly inaccurately named hitchhikers trilogy last week from the library, but I'm too busy to read it this week...  :D I'm on the 3rd one right now, about to finish it.


errr... I guess I will - but anyway there are so many sites sporting the FULL BOOK that as an "average joe" internet user - I don't think anyone's going to come and pursue me for illegitimate practises/copyright infringements.. the sites are bigger headaches... lol.. besides Douglas Adams passed away in 2001 - and I'm not sure about what happens to copyrights after you're gone, but as far as I know they lapse, unless someone in your family gets it done again... not sure. So .... ;)


Happy hitchhikin' szupie :D

And don't forget to grab the other books of Doug Adams - the Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency series. I remember the name of one book: The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul... there are quite a few others

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This isn't anything real - it's entirely fictituous and quoted from Douglas Adams' trilogy Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe - the same place my signature comes from. The passage quoted is from the second book in the series named Retaurant at the end of the Universe. The idea of quoting it here in fact arose out of this particularly funny discussion about the "Xisto Executive Dining Room" ;) lol... and it's restaurant (moonwitch:

*points to a golden door, encrusted with diamonds and sapphires, the door knob is of the purest crystal* There is it :D Just order the food you like, our cook will prepare it and the butler will serve you on your whims ). The post can be found at  one of the mods-only forums, so I'm making this post here so that all of you can read and have fun..

Hope it made a lively, fun-filled reading. If you're impressed, do get the trilogy, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for many more such mindnumbingly brainbogglingly stupid technological nonsense... :P BTW, I've got all the books in the series as eBooks (quite bulky) and exported to plain HTML as well. If anyone wants 'em for further reading, PM me with your mail address and I'll mail all of 'em to you :D

What a wierd idea of food... An animal that would serve itself to the customer... Sounds wierd though... Its like eating a concious being... Would have nightmares! Oh and about the copyright, you can bypass that if you put the entire story on a blog, as bloggers have rights to conceal and protect their resources. Being able to bypass the copyright, no matter whether the copyright is still in action or not... I think! Should be correct!

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Hey Xevian thatnks for that bit of info. Didn't know that bloggers have rights to protect their resources. cool :D

Yup! It appeared on the newspaper a month ago... It was about the "Meteorite" incident. Some blogger posted information on this "Meteorite" which is being created in secrecy by.. I think it was Apple. When apple found out, they tried to sue and fine that guy, but later found out that bloggers have a right to protect their resources and cannot by any means be forced to tell... Its a rather helpful information! Hope it helped you!

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Oh... He died? :D I think the copyright lasts for like 50 years or something...Did you know that they're making a movie of the first Hitchhiker? It looks pretty nice...

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Oh... He died? :D I think the copyright lasts for like 50 years or something...
Did you know that they're making a movie of the first Hitchhiker? It looks pretty nice...

The copyright usually lasts for 50 years once you authenticate it... Seems like he did not ensure copyright after he died... There is another authentication form you have to fill in to ensure copyright after death... Most people do not get this as it is a little too tedious!
They are making a movie on the first Hitchhiker? Really? Whats the title of it? Wonder whether it comes out in Singapore...

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