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Castlevania Opinion and help about the whole saga

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Castlevania is one of the most famous games, it has been realeased for super nintendo, nintendo 64, PS1 and PS2. With hallowed tidings you are bode welcome to Transylvania, ancient home of Count Dracula and his subjugators, the Belmont clan. In this troubled place, you will discover the history of the Belmont family of vampire killers and their companions, from Leon Belmont to Simon Belmont and Alucard Tepes to Soma Cruz. With nothing but their blessed whip and steadfast faith, the generations of Belmonts have ventured alone into Dracula’s demon fortress of Castlevania and stood resolutely against his dark legions as the only hope for Europe - and the world. Take a look around, and tell me your opinions, comments, and ideas for this game.

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Who said 2D is dead? Konami surely don't, with it's Castlevania Symphony of the night. The game is a platform/rpg: you, as Alucard Von Tepes (the son of Dracula, half vampire, half human), must battle in Castlevania, the castle of your father, to find the last of the Belmont, the legendary Vampire Hunters. While you do that, you unlock your hidden vampire powers, find weapons and armour, gain control over magic, and raise levels. The controls are easy to master, as there's JUMP, and left and right hands attack (both of them can equip a different weapon).The map is huge. And when i say huge, i mean HUGE. There are many secrets to find, many powers well hidden, many endings. At least 10 hours to beat it, the first time, only to discover the tip of the iceberg. All in a PSX disk. Surelly, one of the best platform EVER on psx.

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Ahhhhh, I LOVE THIS GAME......my favorite is the one on PS1 Castlevania Symphony of the Night, simply put, great game it also has some of the best music, and 2d designs around, not to mention that it has a good replay value. And the two castles to go through to get the true ending genius. Simply a great game what to say, this is truely a remarkable series, from its humble beginnings on the Nintendo, it has spread onto many systems from the Super Nintendo, N64, PS1, PS2, Genesis, and the Saturn this just goes to show how popular this game series really is.I have also played the latest one as well Castlevania Lament of Innocence, it is also a great game to play, the fact how it tells you how all the games before it came about is also a good part to this game as well.

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