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Uploading A Html Format Page

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I am unable to figure out how to upload my homepage to my site. I'm using the Xisto server and i cant figure it out. It can go in any sub directory, but I can't get it so it displays when you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

This is all I get.

*note I removed the main page from the list.*

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new problem my forum crashed and now all i get is the following message...Database connection error!!!A connection to the Database could not be established.Please check your username, password, database name and host.Also make sure config.php is rightly configured!When connecting, the database returned:Error 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

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Ack...Last post for the night...Umm yes the MYsql program seems to be havign some problems that I'm sure Opaque will look into but for now its up and running again...I dunno how it will be 2morrow though...Hopefully well and for your website problem it might be the flash coding if you are using a flash intro...Make sure hte flash intro coding is correct...I believe there was a previous entry posted about that just today? Not sure...Oh wellHope that helps out a little...Night All

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I am unable to figure out how to upload my homepage to my site.  I'm using the Xisto server and i cant figure it out.  It can go in any sub directory, but I can't get it so it displays when you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;


This is all I get.


*note I removed the main page from the list.*



Oh and umm...Yeah I don't know why your mysql isn't back up yet...Looks like your password and or login settings for your forum are maybe wrong? double check to make sure...Oh and yeah umm...Your forum is currently showing your database table password...I suggest disabling htat for now before it is somehow exploited... Night for real now

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yeah, check it out now.  the button file shows up in the list as does the page name.  but neither loads directly.


To get a page to load up instead of going straight to the directory. you have to set the web page name to index.htm or index.html - These pages load up automatically. I think there may be some way to configure this in cpanel 9 but I'm not sure how. Hope this helps.

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What I did to make the directory load index.htm/index.php/index.html was by editing the .htaccess file. I added this line at the end of the file:

DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php

Add anymore file names/types you would wish to load for a directory, the farther in front, the higher the priority.

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