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Darth Vivi

Do I Have To Go Through All These Posts Again? Im a suspended user...

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Hi, I used to have the lowest/easiest to get package on Xisto. But my internet connection when down for a long time, and then I kind of forgot about Trap. So my account was suspended...Anyway, I believe this IS my 41st post, and I'm wondering if I have to post a lot more to regain my hosting package.

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You only need 15 for the lowest package, Darth. You can apply for the 2nd package now if you want :D

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Darth Vivi, your account expired 37 days ago, it should say on top of the forum how many credits you are in the negative. Then you have to stay active and get 15 hosting credits for the starter package.So if you can't stay active what use is the website, if you are not online you don't maintain it.You have to stay active and show that you will participate to get your hosting package back. Then to keep it you will have to stay active because your hosting credits are reset to 3 (or 5) when you recive the hosting. 1 hosting credit = 24 hours of inactivity before your account is suspended again.Nils

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I'm really confused about how many credits I have. Where do you see this?


On the main page I see:




Welcome to Xisto,Ignore the above Hosting Credit System if you are not interested in the Free Web Hosting service offered by our site. If you want to apply for our Premium Free Web Hosting Account, you will require atleast,


I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be the total number of credits this site has, because I obviously don't have 12813 credits. >_>


Please tell me where I can see the amount of credits I have. =)

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Ok, either I'm just very confused, or something's very messed up.After the post I just made, it now says: HOSTING CREDITS : 12815.38I shouldn't have all those credits! And since it only went up by 2 in the last 10 minutes, and other people have posted since then, I think what I'm seeing is the hosting credits I have.

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Account Expired 35 days ago.Account Posts for New members only : 12816.the top number are you, it looks like your hosting was deleted because it's more than 30 days of inactivity. Nils

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