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Staying Awake....

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No offence to smokers but i think cigarettes stink! It pollutes the air and makes non-smokers ill with all that harmful smoke! Oh and cigarettes are not banned in Singapore, its just that its WAY more expensive here...

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I had to live on the street for three days a few mponths ago in order to buy a $850 guitar amp for $50. (first come first serve and only one of each item).I went down wednesday day night got no sleep. Thursday night I had to boot to Tafe for my end-of-year recital. I played Voodsoo chile (Hendrix) among other things and almost fell asleep while playing! Went back to our post on the street and got no sleep on Thursday night either. Friday was a LONG day nd I got about 4 hours sleep on the friday night.I ate plenty of good food, no coffee, no redbull and no other substance that keeps you awake. I gopt the amp DSaturday morning went home and fell askeep at 11.00am. Awoke at 9.30pm for tea and went back to sleep at 10.15pm Saturday. Awoke at 4.oopm on Sunday and was fine.Yep. thats my story.

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Enough of this coffee crap.. i can't understand how anyone can like that stuff..

actually it does nothing to help keep you alert-hyperactive, yes...


If i eat even a little bit of rice or wheat food, i'm up for hours and hours...they are in my opinion the best thing to keep you up (like last night) stayed awake all frikin night [i slept all this morning, tho]:D

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Slightly off-topic, but ThinkGeek has some really funky caffiene products. Mints, drinks even soap!

I come from Singapore too, but never knew that our Red Bull is diluted. O_o. Maybe cos I never drink Red Bull.

On a side note, I'm allergic to caffiene. =_=. I get diarrhoea when I eat too much chocolate, drink too much tea, coke or milo... But I do it anyway. Can't live without caffiene. At least not a university student.

Just so that this is not totally off-topic, I find that taking a short but intense nap for around 15 to 20 minutes actually bring energy back to the body. (I always thought that was called powernapping, but apparently not...) Although this method is better used when there are people around you. I used to take really short but very focused on relaxing and sleeping naps when I'm out studying with friends, and I know they would wake me up.

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I find that the only way that I can remain awake is just being in constn motion. I can't stop moving. I like coffee, but I like to drink it. Coffee dosn't make me at all hyper. If I have too much caffiene I get a terrible headache. I also find that doing something like writing posts on the internet, or being in some sort of discussion can really keep you going. It keeps you thinking, and the fact that your talking with other people is enough to keep me up.The only reason I like to stay up late, is becuse it makes going to sleep so much easier! I full asleep almost instantly if i've been up all night.I would say, just stick to natural things, not any drugs to keep you awake. A light snack can go along way as long as there is some sort of crabohydrates in it. For example, a granola or grain bar. Those usually do the trick.

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When i'm tired i usually slap my arms and legs to get awake, it gets the blood flowing and everything. If that doesn't work I do like 10 pullups and some sit ups.Or best of all jump into a swimming pool, the shock from the cold well wake you compelete up ;D (i have a pool where i live, it would be kinda weird showing up at a swiming pool at like 12 at night but w/e)anyways my body is weird that once I wake past 12 o'clock I don't have to sleep anymore, its a blessing...its a curse heh.

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Just play a video game and don't look at the time. Time goes slow that way. You should drink pop, and lots of it. And, don't lay down; you may say that you're "resting your eyes", but you'll fall asleep.When I level up in Final Fantasy VII, I lay down and close my eyes. (I know how to battle according to the sounds) I fell asleep 3 different times and woke up dead.... Sorry, had to bring that up.

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When I cant sleep I love it , because i love the night tyme the air. the darkness the latenight on the pc watching foamy w/ friends and just acting like we are going to be teens forever. Drinking pepsi and listing to loud music as the sun come up rocks. feeling the morning breeze as the sun come up smelling the fresh crisp air as you realize your not a kid anymore and you have to be at work in 2 hours.. ahh thoses are the memorys..lol

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Well, depending on whether you're staying up late to finish a term paper with a deadline of 9 am the next morning, then yeah, some Red Bulls or 180s will help tide you over...But what people have said about adrenaline (or something close to it) does help too. I have found myself on a roll with website layouts and glanced at the clock only to realize that it's 3 in the morning, and I have to get to work in 7 hours! I also think the ratio of enjoyment to necessity also plays a factor in how easily or hard we tend to get tired. I mean, if I'm in the middle of playing around with Photoshop and having a grand ol' time at it, I'm less likely to notice the time then if it's the 11th hour, and I HAVE to get this project done TONIGHT. But, if you know you're in for a long night, make sure to stock up on lots of protein, such as nuts, meats, and cheeses, since these will have long extending energy reserves, which means you're not going to have to rely so much on hyping your system up on caffiene.

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