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Pc Vs Console Which 1 Is better. pc or console

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very biased

Pc Vs Console


It seems that every time a person creates a pc vs console they always use the most *bottom* logic to try and always put pc on top. Lets look at how many great games for pc has been released in the last few years that are good:


World of warcraft

Crysis-even though a small percentage of people can actually play it.

Half life 2


Thats about it.


Now lets look at consoles:


Gears of war

Halo 1,2,3

Resident evil 4

Legend of zelda twilight princess

To many to list.


-reply by matt

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pc vs consolePc Vs Console

 iGuest your point is extremely invalid, there are way more great releases for pc than just Wow Crysis and HL2. We've got the woundeful game Counter Strike, we've also got about 3/4 of the games the consoles have too, and only a small percentage of them release later, mainly because they were designed with controllers in mind. If you still want to play some of the console games you can just get a free emulator, and, the only reason people hate the keyboard and mouse is mainly because they 1. Haven't even tried it yet, or 2. They didnt use it long enough, keyboards and mice are hard to switch to after you've used a controller for such a long time, and if you can't convert, just plug in a 360 controller, or a controller made to imitate a popular consoles controller. The choice is obviously PC. 

P.S. It doesnt take a geneious to put a computer together, its just basically matching colors and clicking next and finish lol

-reply by Chad


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Pc vs ConsolePc Vs Console

I think it is a personal choice.Those of us who have been using PCs for our gaming needs since the beginning of video game time usually stick behind the PC for the many reasons already mentioned. Consoles are for those who want simple and fast. However, the PC is the ultimate of all worlds with the know how. Hook it up to the tv, you got a media center/console. Hook one of the many available controllers for the PC similar to the console controllers and you get that experience as well. Or just use the actual 360 or PS controllers with an adapter. Emulators give the ability to enjoy the classics as mentioned. The PC will always be the lead in technology cause that is where the technology starts. The mods that are created by freelance modders for PC games are available for free and can sometimes recreate the entire game experience like in Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights. Or can just give the edge like the 50 additional zombie levels created for Call of Duty World At War. So I know you are asking, why then if PC is so great are we even asking which is better? Because like I said, consoles are simple and fast. PC takes that extra step and know how. Which to get the know how, you have to have an interest. PC gaming for most of us is a hobby. How good will you be at any other hobby if you don't enjoy it? I myself own a 360 when I just don't feel like taking that extra step and want to sit down and play right now. But it is hard to compare 3 decades of PC gaming with any one console.The console will become outdated only to need replacing. The PC will adapt.

-reply by Jason


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There is an ever thining line between Consoles and PCs, or "personal computers" ( those commercials with the bad "pc" are making fun of the mac, because it too, is a "personal computer".Therefor, the question of wich is better is hard to say, because they are similar and unique in there own ways.A console(s) definition is basically that[QOUTE=DICTIONARY.COM] the control or monitoring unit of a computer, containing the keyboard or keys, switches, etc.[/qoute]Is one definitionanother is that [qoute=dictionary.com] the control unit of a mechanical, electrical, or electronic system: the console that controls a theater's lighting system. [/qoute]So a CONSOLE is basicaly the same as a computer or part of a computer, which contains the core components required to display what you see on a monitor. A GAMING CONSOLE is basiccaly a PC, with theMouse --> joystickKeyboard --> OSK ( on screen-keyboard ) Monitor --> TVPortability \/Graphics +++and the audio is very similar if not identical.but the range of gaming on consoles is unbeatable for that price, and the comfort of the controller as well.The pc alows instant communication, as well as consoles, but theirs are less accesible, or less interctiveOverall i would say they are equal

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re: iguestPc Vs Console

using the "better games" argument was unexpected, seeing as every console eventually has an emulator made. The sheer number of undiscovered independently written games dwarfs the amount of quality games on a console.

what about steam? what about game mods? in the PC world improvements and changes can take place in a matter of weeks.

it took microsoft 2 years to fix the xbox 360 chipsets.

 and it seems like sony has all but abandoned the PS3.

-reply by don c

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