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Physical Dump Memory

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Some times It Gives me a message Of "Physical Dump Memory " or sumthing Like Dat.. my screen become bluish and it Shut down automatically ..then I reinstalled windows... and that problem was solved.. but I still cant figure wht the main probblem was... was it some hardware failure Or wht,,,??do u guys KNow ? if yes then tell me maybe It'll solve other problems 2

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It is indeed most often a hardware error. But you shouldn't worry too much. Depending on what OS you need, it can be the OS being buggy.Windows 9x for example does it all the time, you shouldn't worry when it does, it's completely normal.Windows NT based OSes like NT, 2000, XP, 2003 shouldn't be doing it too often, and when it does, it's most likely to be a misconfiguration (reinstall video drivers etc..?) or a problem with your other hardware like RAM etc. If it only happens like once in a week or so, there's nothing to worry about for you. If it happens every few, then you need to think about getting your system checked...A Physical Dump, btw, is Windows writing whatever information the kernel (or other - depending on the kind) has in memory to the disk, this information can later be used by professionals at Microsoft to see what's wrong. But don't count on them helping you out, honestly.

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lmfao the blue screen of death in windows xp...lyeah it happens espicialy on on comps runnikng xp but ummm...I just thought of another problem that can cause crashing badly...in sp2 it may sometimes block explorer saying that it can cause a virus or something and then doctor watsons debugging program will shuit down or something like that and then you are majorly screwed so I advice that if you get sp2 don't enable advanced virus protection from hardware unless you are certain it will help your comp out....do this to avoid the death blue screenand also don't eat up all your systems resources by running vids msn kazaa and realplayer at the same time...just a example though...gl

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in sp2 it may sometimes block explorer saying that it can cause a virus or something and then doctor watsons debugging program will shuit down or something like that and then you are majorly screwed


Actually, when your shell crashes, it restarts itself, you don't get a bluescreen. Or should not anyway. =P

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Actually, when your shell crashes, it restarts itself, you don't get a bluescreen. Or should not anyway. =P


yes well.....when your computer is as cheap as mine things don't always work liek they are supposed to...sighs damn e-machines...its from 2004 but is so cheap...my computer with windows xp from the year 1998 and only 256ram (old skool ram, not the new kind) crashes less...but I don't push that one to the point of dw's begguing program to close :)

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Windows gives that error for many hardware issues that it can't identify or contain and thus it crashes your system. I would check in the control panel for any devices causing a conflict. You might need to disable some hardware or change irq's on something or it's possible you didn't have a correct driver installed for something.

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