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Again No Databases? Are there any work on host?

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I am just interested are there any work on host because I have no databases in my panel, they are deleted, when will recover? and ARE YOU WORKING ON HOST, if not what the hell has happened!?

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It appears there are too many connections on MySQL. The databases are NOT deleted. Give it some time, and it will all come back.

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Either- MySQL servers are down - just wait till they get back (Usally maintanance)- MySQL has too many connections (Too many people are using databases at the moment so a few people are locked out to precent crashes)- You acidently deleted the databases (Takes a lot of work to do accidently)hese kinds of things happen for all hosts, even the payed ones

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these things happen every now and again. It can be very freaky when the SQL goes down and your cpanel shows that you have no databases. The last thing you want to do is be hasty with the rearrangement and deletion of things. Just be patient. Wait a few hours, or even a day and things will be back.

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yeah this happens to me very often, it sucks but there isnt much you can do about it, but your databases are still there, so dont worry.if i lost my database it would be unrecoverable (unless i had a backup) because quite a bit of my site runs off the database, especailly the forums. so i hope that never happens.

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Most of the times this issue are right after a lot of new users are granted hosting. Some go on and start opening and running anything and everything they have access to including scripts that are faulty and are hogging the server.90% of the time the issues is a process running that are not teminating correctly and it will eat up cpu cycles and not terminate and let other users requests run. When it happens the server may have to be restarted to clear and the user may be terminated for abusing the resources.The servers can handle all accouns hosted with no problem, if we all play by the rules.Nils

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