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C++ Console/dos Based Calendar Working Calendar for Linux/DOS

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Here's a fully functional console calendar I wrote using pdcurses/ncurses, it was based off a Windows version calendar, but I ported what I could to Linux, still missing some functionality from the Windows version by stoned coder, but I hope to get that sorted.


// calendar.cpp by mastercomputers// includes#include <curses.h>  // contains our console objects#include <cstdlib>  // contains our string manipulation objects// classesclass calendar{public:	calendar(int d = 1, int m = 1, int y = 2004); // defaults to 1/1/2004 (nz format dd/mm/yy)	virtual ~calendar() {} // does nothing, destructor virtual incase of inheritance	void printcalendar();private:	bool isleapyear(); // returns true if leap year	int checkday(int); // checks validity of the day	int whatdayisfirstofmonth(); // returns 0 to 6 (Sunday - Saturday)	int howmanydays(); // returns number of days in the month	int day;	int month;	int year;};// constructorscalendar::calendar(int d, int m, int y) //checks validity of date and sets the variables{	if(y < 1582) // Gregorian calendar was accepted 1582	{  printw("\nThe year %d is before Gregorian Calendar was accepted.\nWill fix to Julian Calendar eventually.\nSetting Year to 1582\nPress ANY key to continue\n", y);  refresh();  getch(); // waits for key press  year = 1582; // invalid year so set to 1582	}	else if(y >= 4904) // Every 3,322 years the calendar is out by a full day	{  printw("\nEvery 3,322 years would be out by a full day for the Gregorian Calendar.\nI will never live to see if they ever fix it.\nSo I am not correcting this calendar, but do be warned.\nSetting Year to %d\nPress ANY key to continue\n", y, y);  refresh();  getch();  year = y;	}	else  year = y;  // y is valid so use it to set year	if((m >= 1) && (m <= 12)) // check month between 1 and 12	month = m;  // if it is, sets month	else	{  printw("\nThe month %d is invalid.  Setting Month to January\nPress ANY key to continue\n", m);  refresh();  getch();  month = 1;	}	day = checkday(d); // validate the day}bool calendar::isleapyear()  // checks whether  year is a leap year{	if((year % 400 == 0) || ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)))  return true; // it's a leap year	else  return false; // it's not a leap year}int calendar::checkday(int testday) // checks day is legal for month{	if((testday > 0) && (testday <= howmanydays()))  return testday; // day is legal	printw("\nInvalid day entered.  Setting to First of the Month.\nPress ANY key to continue\n");	refresh();	getch();	return 1;  // day is not legal so setting to first day}int calendar::howmanydays(){	if((month == 2) && isleapyear())  return 29;  // if leap year February has 29 days	static const int daysinmonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};  // sets our month days	return daysinmonth[month - 1];}int calendar::whatdayisfirstofmonth()  // calculates the day that is first for our month{	int d = 1; // day is first	int m = month; // the month we selected	int y = year; // the year we selected	int f = (d += m < 3 ? y-- : y - 2, 23 * m / 9 + d + 4 + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400) % 7;  // the impressive algorithm to do it	return f; // returns 0-6 (Sunday - Saturday)}void calendar::printcalendar() // prints calendar for entered date{	clear();  // clears the screen	printw("Date entered was >> %d/%d/%d.\n",day, month, year);	printw("\n   SUN    MON    TUE    WED    THU    FRI    SAT\n");	int startday = whatdayisfirstofmonth();	int endday = howmanydays();	for(int i = 0; i < startday; i++)	{  if(i == 0) 	 mvprintw(4, 4, "-");  if(i == 1) 	 mvprintw(4, 11, "-");  if(i == 2) 	 mvprintw(4, 18, "-");  if(i == 3) 	 mvprintw(4, 25, "-");  if(i == 4) 	 mvprintw(4, 32, "-");  if(i == 5) 	 mvprintw(4, 39, "-");	} // end of for loop	int rows = 4;	int count = 1;	for(int j = startday; j < (startday + endday); j++)	{  if(j % 7 == 0)  { 	 rows += 2; 	 move(rows, 4);  }  if(j % 7 == 1) 	 move(rows, 11);  if(j % 7 == 2) 	 move(rows, 18);  if(j % 7 == 3) 	 move(rows, 25);  if(j % 7 == 4) 	 move(rows, 32);  if(j % 7 == 5) 	 move(rows, 39);  if(j % 7 == 6) 	 move(rows, 46);  if(count == day)  // set text to red if count is the day entered  { 	 start_color(); 	 init_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); 	 attron(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_RED));  }  printw("%d",count);  if(count == day) // turns off red text after day has been performed 	 attroff(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_RED));  count++;	} // end of for loop	printw(" \n\n\n");	refresh();}int main(void){	initscr(); // starts our console screen buffer	echo();  // allows user input to be seen on screen	raw(); // enables break keys to escape program	if(has_colors() == FALSE) // checks whether console supports color	{  endwin();  fprintf(stderr, "Your terminal does not support color\nPress ANY key to exit\n");  getch();  return 1;	}	while(true) // indefinite loop	{  clear(); // clears screen  printw("Gregorian Calendar.\n\nUse NZ date format: day/month/year.\nUse the ENTER key after each entry.\n\n");  refresh();  char input_day[3];  char input_month[3];  char input_year[5];  printw("DAY: ");  refresh();  getnstr(input_day, 2); // gets the input as string  printw("MONTH: ");  refresh();  getnstr(input_month, 2);  printw("YEAR: ");  refresh();  getnstr(input_year, 4);  int d = atoi(input_day);  // converts string to integers(numbers)  int m = atoi(input_month);  int y = atoi(input_year);  calendar date(d, m, y); // instantiates the calendar objects  date.printcalendar();  printw("Another calendar (Y/N) ? ");  refresh();  char input[2];  getnstr(input, 1);  if((input[0] == 'N' || input[0] == 'n')) 	 break; // escapes while loop	}	endwin(); // ends out console buffer	return 0;}

To compile under Cygwin: g++ calendar.cpp -o calendar -lncurses -s -Os

To compile under MinGW for DOS: g++ calendar.cpp -o calendar -lpdcurses -s -Os

To compile under Linux: g++ calendar.cpp -o calendar -lncurses -s -Os


Get Cygwin here

Get MinGW here

Get PDCurses here

Get nCurses here


PDCurses should work with VC++ so this program should compile under it, you however need the PDCurses library.


Well, what this console program does is ask you for a DAY you like to see, MONTH you like to see and YEAR you like to see. It will then display a calendar with the day names and the days within that month. It changes the color of your DAY to red so it stands out more.


Updated: Another Calendar request added, a bit of code cleanup, works in Windows under DOS, Every 3,322 year fix (I thought about it but it would not be official and after 3,322 years I wouldn't exists to see a fix, I have a solution but will not include it in the program.


For those of you who are lazy and run DOS, here's the zipped up source and binary. PM me and I'll compile it and make it available for you.


Things that need working on: Build a Menu to run program, Ability to have specific date choice e.g. day/month/year or month/day/year, make compatible for early years using Julian's Calendar, different color displays and better layout, show the full year calendar and whatever else I can come up with.


Apart from that, it's a fully functional Gregorian Calendar.


If anyone would like to make alterations, please feel free. I know there's a lot that could be improved as it was quickly done.



Cheers, MC

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