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Time travel games?

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A book I read that deals with time travel and the paradoxes that come with it is "Up The Line" by Robert Silverberg, written in the late 60's. Being from the 60's, it has a lot of hippie free love, and drug usage influences, but overall a good story. Silverberg covers a heck of a lot of paradoxes and rules about time travel that I hadn't really even considered at the time before I read the book:"Accumulation Paradox": The book uses the example of Christ's Crucifixion, and you avoided it in your game by making the player invisible... If a person visits the same event in time many times, would every version of that person already be there? or does it accumulate after each trip. In other words: if Christ's Crucifixion was a "hot spot" for time tourists, and they kept going back there over and over again, eventually there would be hundreds of thousands of people all standing around watching the event, though history has not recorded such a mass of people being there at the time. It's explained better in the book.

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