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How To Restore Back Up Website? including files, folders database

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I would like to know how to restore my site which I BACK UP sometime ago. I have back up the full directory. I would like to know how to restore everything including MySQL database. Please give line to line description if possible. Thanks in advance.

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Well, If you're going for a nice simple backup, login into an FTP manager, and transfer your public_html folder into your computer, this can be done easily using SmartFTP with it's "drag and drop" feature. As for back-up up your SQL databases, simply use PHP MyAdmin, select your database, and click export, there you can select all your table, and on the very bottom, save it as a tarball, or a plain txt file.hope this helps,

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You can also do a large cpanel backup. Log into cpanel and under site management tools, click Backup and click generate full backup or download todays backup.

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