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Other Side Of The Coin

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Ok, I have a question for debate. As I'm sure if you watch any news at all you are aware that there are numerous states and countries that are attempting to change their laws to allow same sex marriage. My question for debate is not about that though. What I am curious about is if and when same sex marriage is allowed, will that also open the gate for those who also want to have more than one husband/wife? If 2 men can marry each other, why would it be illegal for a man to have 2 or more wives, like it is illegal now? Should these laws also be struck down? If you have an opinion one way or the other please chime and and tell us what you think and why you feel that way.

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well i am against Gay Marriage not because i am a bigot but because its being done because of outside influence which i don't think the Assembly should pass a law legalizing it just because of outside influences. if it had of being in a parties manifesto and Not just because of what is happening in England and wales, then i would of being all for it now i just am against it same as any other laws just done because other countries are doing it and its hip.

i do support the Civil Partnership and we where the first country within these Isles to perform one after the waiting period one was before the waiting period for a terminally ill man and his partner and the terminally ill man died a day or so afterwards.

and the first civil partnership we did the partners are not together anymore i believe.

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