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Upgrading Host

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This information is maybe somewhere in the forum but i cant find it!!!If I want to upgrade my hosting account from package 1 to package 2, how many credits do I need?Where is the information about the packages (space, bandwith, ...)?

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As seen on the front page:

50 mb with 1 GB BW ( 25 posts )

So I guess you need 25 posts to request it... Or credits, I aint sure... (Better get 25 credits and 25 posts and then request hosting)

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Dooga compiled all the rules here Rules for hosting It's a great tool and the quote is from his site :D

Offered Packages and Options
You can opt for Domain Hosting or Sub-Domain hosting. Xisto.com Recommends members to go for Sub-Domain hosting. Members are free to point their favorite short url address to Xisto.com sub-domains. Sub-domains are activated instantly, they do not need configuring or do not involve Advanced Settings. They don't have to be Propagated, so they are fast and quick. Any changes to the accounts involving DNS reflect instantly. If you still want to go for Domain hosting, You are free to do so.

As is stated on the 'Services' page, you are required to have a certain number of posts and credits to be eligible to receive hosting. (Note: Xisto.com is an Advertising supported Website, but we do not put ads on your website. We put the ads on the forum which you post in.)

Package 1: Requires 15 posts AND 15 credits; 20 MB space and 500 MB bandwidth (DOES NOT SUPPORT DOMAIN HOSTING)
Package 2: Requires 25 posts AND 25 credits; 50 MB space with 1000 MB bandwidth
Package 3: Requires 50 posts AND 50 credits; 100 MB space with 2000 MB bandwidth (DEFAULT PACKAGE)
Package 4: Requires 100 posts AND 100 credits; 150 MB space with 3000 MB bandwidth

It is absolutely required that you reach the minimum post count before applying for each package; if you request a package that you do not qualify for, the application will be ignored. You can upgrade your account anytime you have reached the requested amount. However, it is appreciated if members only apply for additional space or bandwidth if they really need it. If you are only running a small web site with a couple of images and one or two pages, then you don't really need a lot of space or bandwidth, so you shouldn't really ask for it.

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