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Boston Bombing

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I'm really surprised that no one has started a discussion on this topic. Especially since it has been about the only thing on the news for the past week. Information, misinformation, arm chair quarterbacking have all run rampant on this subject. I'm just curious as to why the subject hasn't been broached here? Granted, this is a world wide forum and I'm sure we have a fair share of Muslims here. Are we becoming too politically correct to have a discussion on this subject since it pertains to the religious beliefs of one particular religion?


Well, I have a few opinions on the subject. The act of setting off a bomb to kill innocent victims is the most cowardly, despicable, disgusting thing a person could do. I find it a shame that our great country does not allow "cruel and unusual punishment" because there really isn't a legal punishment that is good enough for the perpetrators of this kind of crime. Something more along the lines of tacking their **Male parts** to the barn wall, setting the barn on fire and then throwing them a dull knife might be close to sufficient punishment. Maybe.


The fact that these people lived off of our own kindness and generosity in this country with welfare and food stamps and college tutition absolutely burns my butt. We show them every kindness and they turn around and murder us? What kind of a warped sick mind does that? It is beyone wicked, two faced and hypocritical to enjoy our system of beliefs and government and then do something like this.


Anyone else care to chime in?

Edited by velma (see edit history)

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yes I agree, I am sorry for the families of the people involved in the Bomb attack, and hope who did it gets justice and stays in prison for life without Parole and the keys are thrown away.

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Hey Sheepdog,


I slightly edited your post.. WOW! I agree with your highly efficient method of punishment :lol:


I am really not surprised that no one opened this topic, I think people are still wondering what the heck is going on.. The whole incident was a gigantic mess further messed up by media and idiotic conspiracy theories.


What angers me mostly is that ever since 9/11 , almost all forms of terrorism are automatically assumed to be of religious motive. Including the Boston Bombing, the media is even more infuriating.. They mucked up the entire thing from start to end by relying on an online community (Reddit) for facts.. Every one currently is on the "Religious Motive" Bandwagon based on speculations.


Remember how the race for being "best news company" resulted in two innocent men getting them & their family dragged through muck (Sunil Tripathi & Mike Mulugeta) . I don't think any of these news sites have even apologized for their false facts. Sunil Tripathi was missing way before the incident and some idiot thought he heard the name MIke Mulugeta on a police scanner.


Terrorism comes in all forms and sizes, National & International. Has everyone already forgotten that Sandy Hook (Newton) , Sikh Temple (Wisconsin) , Dark Knight Movie(Aurora) & Columbine were all victims of violence at the hands of "American" men? I assume, all of them were Christians, but none was accused of doing it for religious motives.


Before 9 / 11 we had psychotic serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy & the Unabomber who were sons of the soil.


We were happy to accept that all these people were cracked in the head, had a distorted mind or had severe stress and mental illnesses. Which is the point, anyone who thinks violence is an answer is a terrorist, and all terrorists are mentally damaged.Our fight is against terrorism, people who believe that violence can solve problems, who believe that lies and fear are the only way to control people


It is high time we stop following the flock mentality accepting all the rubbish media and our government dish out. The justice system has to be harder on anyone who feels violence resolves. Motives should not be considered and punishments should be solely based on their actions. The government has to do better in not only punishing but HELPING / PREVENTING these things.


Take a look at how the judicial system lacks, Jodi Arias... My God! That woman violently killed an innocent man and our justice system allows her to LIE UNDER OATH... Weren't the laws supposed to protect the weak and not enable the wicked?


Sorry, if this turned into a rant but these things somehow always get under my skin :lol:

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First of all I don't think that such events should get such huge amounts of news coverage. It may be cynical but all these terrorist acts are nothing more then publicity stunts. All they want is prime time to spread their twisted ideas and make everybody scared. And of course they get glory in the eyes of those thinking like themselves. They should be denied all that and maybe (just maybe) some of them will think twice before blowing themselves and others apart. Terrorist attacks should be reported and, of course, generally know, but they should get as much prime time as any other piece of news. On the topic of news covering such events I want to discuss the way they coverage sport events in Europe. For example a few years ago there were a lot of individuals routinely interrupting an event by running into the field with a banner or just simply naked. For the same publicity even if infinitely more harmless to everybody involved. So now whenever someone does such an act they never get him on the screen... they don't even mention them. And since they are not getting what they are looking for, they stopped doing it (not entirely, but those events are not a lot more rare).


As for the terrorists themselves... I think it is wrong to apply our logic to them. I do not want to generalize to all Muslims (because this is a real danger whenever such an attack happens), but some have the same attitude as in the 14th century, but with the weapons of the 21st century. And, again, I don't want to generalize that or make us, the Westerners, look all civilized... I can look no further then 70 years ago to the Nazis and the Holocaust to find out the same disregard for life (if not more horrible) then now. Religion in this case is just the bullet, eduction (lack of or twisted one) is the weapon, but the main trigger is the disregard of life in all its forms. I am sure that over 50% of us would do just the same if we were grown up with the same twisted eduction and propaganda, not questioning what we are told, taking everything for granted. But if you don't respect all forms of life (and human life in particular) with the right conditions you can do anything and you can find reasons for everything. So don't just blame them... that is an easy way out, but blame the society, their civilization that has yet to grow up, the education that they must receive and their weak minds (because I think there is a strong genetic component) and principals.


And since we have opened this discussion there is another point that must be said. The US foreign policy up to this now has been terribly wrong. Its single purpose for 40-50 years has been to make the US the number one world power and more recently (after the USSR broke up) to maintain the status quo. Nothing is too much in order to achieve this objective. And such a policy won't be of any help in making any friends. If you ask me the budget of the CIA is way too big. Instead of making the US number one in scientific developments or in space exploration, money is being wasted on a flawed foreign policy (with interests protected by covered operations, coup-d'etat and other such events). I can remember how over 20 years ago the CIA armed the talibans because back then the USSR was the enemy and of course the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But this kind of friends, 20+ years later use your weapons to kill your soldiers citizens. Button line... while these terrorist attacks cannot be blamed solely on US foreign policy but I'm sure that doesn't help at all.


Unfortunately I don't see any end of the terrorists attack on the short term... You cannot fast forward the East to the current century, people minds and habits don't change fast enough. Maybe in 2-3 generations they will be well on that path. Meanwhile the US could act more like a teacher and less like a dictator for the rest of the world. Events such as Arab spring should be encouraged by all means, but (and that is a big but) the CIA should stop trying to push them in a direction or another.

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Hey Velma, sorry, I didn't realize or even thought about the T word not being allowed. Hopefully no one will have to explain to someone else here what mountain oysters are. :) It's actually a word that comes up fairly often when you are a dog breeder and discusing what is considered a major fault in a dog. (an undecended one or two) Actually had a part time job where it was my duty to check and make sure both were present and accounted for in each dog that went threw the auction. I suppose there are not many people who would (or would want to) put that on a job resume! I was a BB inspector! (bites and b....well, you get it.)


Really good discusion started now. I actually agree with most of it. I do believe the media goes way overboard in the coverage of these kinds of events. When something like this happens they ignore any other event to cover the big event, and then I suppose because they are afraid they are going to miss some tiny beaking news bit they just hang on the story like a bulldog worrying a bone and either armchair quarter back every little detail, or sometimes make up details just to keep yapping about the same old story, even when they don't have new information to share. I feel like saying the old quote, "Just the facts mam." and then shut up. Get on to something else at least until you have more real information on the big story. I get tired of seeing all these so called experts blathering on about some agenda or cause or something that they have no idea wether it is related to the story or not. And personally, I think misinformation is far worse than no information, so if you have nothing new to tell us shut up until you do.


As far as not blaming these sorts of tragedies on religion, That sadly is not accurate. I do believe that every war that has been fought since the begining of time has been started in the name of one religion or another. From the Crusades right dow to modern day Iraq, Afganistan etc.


Now, as for the United States being a super power and trying to run the whole world. I actually agree with that however, I would like to see that one take a few steps further in being stopped. You see, when any other country gets it'self into some kind of trouble, who do they come to with their hand out? Who feeds their starving population, who rebuilds their country after a war or flood or earthquake? When political unrest tears a country apart, who steps in and trys to help? It seems every other country on the planet wants our money, but want to continue on in their own self destructive ways. So many countries out there murdering their own people, allowing dictatorships to flourish and cause further suffering for the populations. So when we as Americans try to help we are branded as trying to take over the world. As a taxpayer in this country, I would be perfectly happy with letting the rest of the world go to hell in a handbasket. Don't come to use asking for handouts when you comit genocide and allow no freedom for you own people. Ya'll just fight it out amoungst yourself, we don't want to rule the world. I agree completely, I would far rather see my tax dollars spend on space exploration than furnishing arms for some pettty dictator so he can carve out his place in the world, and then stab us in the back once he is in power.

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well sheepdog I don't know what a Mountain oysters are, but I am not going to ask what it is because there is no point, the bomber should get the worst sort of punishment around, murder is crime and they should face life hiding from other prisoners feed only with bread and water three times a day, no tv, hard beds with no blankets or pillows, and locked up 24 hours a day. no smokes, no tea/coffee or any life's luxuries, wish I believed in the Death penalty for person like the person who committed the bombing a bit of Electricity going through them and the problem is gone, well I have finished venting. sorry for the venting by the way guys.

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C41, don't apoligise for venting, in a case like this it is not wrong to express one's outrage at such a despicable crime.

But no one should go through life not knowing what mountain oysters are. You never know when you might find yourself at a gathering of rednecks who might offer you a bite of this delicacy at a party some time and then laugh at you when they tell you what you are eating while you are wretching and gagging. When a boar hog is casterated (or butchered) the "male parts" that are removed are peeled, and sliced and battered and fried. Some folks actually like them, they are somewhat simular to the flavor of liver, only milder and a little less chewy. So now you know! :)

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thanks for letting me know sheepdog about the Mountain Oyster a bit disgusting not my sort of food at all, I am from across the Atlantic so I am hardly going to come across a red neck who will offer me such thing. I have only ever eating willicks that was different to my normal food it was ok have not had one since I was a child though. I have nothing against Red Necks just don't like the sound of the Mountain Oyster,

thanks sheepdog but I will try to keep it from getting out of hand.

hope you have a great day,

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You don't have rednecks where you live? What a shame! They are a great group of people, honest, hard working, and not at all politically correct. In other words, they say what's on their mind and and they call a spade a spade, not a "hand held earth moving construction object." or what ever else weird crazy name the PC police are calling it these days.


But anyway, that is what this forum is for, sharing information, so at least we accomplised that in this thread.

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sheepdog I don't know what the nearest things to rednecks we have I don't think there is any people nearest to the description of a redneck here. if a red neck is what most people call a Hillbilly then no its unique to the USA I Agree with your comment though,

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I'm not really sure how things transpired, perhaps the term redneck is the new term for hillbilly? Anyway, they are a great deal alike, and you never hear anybody say hillbilly anymore, so maybe the term redneck has taken it's place. That would be my guess anyway.

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yah I guess sheepdog we don't have anything of the sort, we have plenty of farmers you do in Ireland, but they are not of the sort as rednecks or hillbillies.

most of our farmers make a good living and some even become MLA'S So I guess we have no poor farmers.

anyway I think I went off topic with the topic,

Good day (or night) to y'all.

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Ah no problem, we often wander off topic as the threads grow. What is MLA's?

Don' t know much about Ireland, except I think it's got some really pretty country. Do you have the ability there to grow many crops on the farm land, or is the climate a big restriction as to what can be grown there?

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MLA'S IS Members of the Legislative Assembly something like your House of Representatives


they are politician elected by the People to make laws.topic has going off topic i agree.

i am from the North but ireland is a lovely island farmers do grow crops also my school also grew carrots, peas and such only thing we can not grow is crops that require warm weather but they get round that by a heated greenhouse. i am not a farmer by the way i have only ever planted crops at school.anyway. i seem to go off topic sometime which i say sorry for.

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That's fine with me if you wander off topic. Anyway, I know a lot more about farming than I do politics. What I do know about politics I don't like much. I thought Ireland had a cooler climate/growing season than we did here but I wasn't sure.

Thanks for explaining about MLA's. I guess each country has it's own name for it's governing bodies.

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