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Site Is Not Backup After New Month

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basically, last month i exceeded my bandwidth and my site didn't work after that. now it's a new month, my site doesn't seem to be back up, even though in the cpanel it says my bandwidth usage is 0mb.. what's wrong?

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bash and nexdesigns, i suppose you have enough credits to avoid account suspension. taking that is true in your case, after bandwidth is exceeded, it is renewed every first day of the month (in theory). but from experience, it takes a day (or two) later to renew bandwidth every month (maybe due to server time, which i am not aware exactly what timeline it follows, maybe a day or two late than most of us).nevertheless, this "bandwidth exceeded" problem seems to be plaguing more and more members now -- even if *actual* bandwidth consumption is just half of the reported bandwidth stats in cpanel index. looks like a cpanel glitch.i've been discussing this "doubling bandwidth" issue with admin opaque in private messages days ago, giving him my own cpanel stats as examples. although i haven't exceeded my bandwidth limit yet for february that time, i noticed that cpanel bandwidth index stat reports an unusual discrepancy from the *actual* bandwidth used when i reviewed the details of my bandwidth consumption. i even checked, as suggested by admin opaque, if i've been losing bandwidth from hotlinking and other stuff. after careful assessment, *actual* bandwidth used and cpanel bandwidth stat report still does not tally -- cpanel still reports bandwidth usage as double (more or less) of that actually used. i'm still to receive a reply from admin opaque, if his review tallies with my own review.in cases like this "doubling bandwidth", it would seem that the "bandwidth exceeded" error is triggered when you reach HALF the bandwidth allotment. example, a 500MB bandwidth limit exceeded will trigger at 250MB bandwidth used. and this cpanel error seemed to have surfaced after a system glitch early this year when subdomains created were mysteriously reset back to zero.anyway, check the obvious first, like enough credits and review of *actual* bandwidth usage. and wait a day or two more than the usual for bandwidth to reset every month. if all else fails, then it's time to contact admin opaque. :D and cross your fingers that cpanel glitches (if any) are resolved by this time already. :D

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yeah, if it doubles, then it would set it off because i know it was reaching half the total bandwidth usage.i have enough hosting credits for restoring my account if it was suspended. (it was before the end of the month, but for the last 4 days its been fine) so that shouldnt be a problem.

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