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Setting Up Anonymous Ftp Access Im not sure how this is done...

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I was wondering how I set up an anonymous FTP. I did it directly from Cpanel and I get a 421 error saying that it's not set up. I was wondering if anyone has done this before, and if so, could they let me know how it's done? I haven't messed with FTP accounts at all but I was hoping to set aside an area for a friend of mine to upload her pages for her site.

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The ftp address would be same as yours, but they need to type the username like this: anonymous@biscuitrat.trap17.comthe stuff they send would go into the 'incoming' folder

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In cPanel you have to enable the anonymous ftp using your ftp manager.
You have 2 options there:

Allow anonymous access to ftp://ftp.yourname.trap17.com	Allow anonymous upload to ftp://ftp.yourname.trap17.com/incoming

change out the "yourname" part with your subdomain name. You upload the files you would share to the public_ftp folder. If you allow anonymous uploads to the folder you check the second box.

You can create ftp accounts for people that you give permission to upload ftp files that way you have more control over the ftp space. With anonymous ftp upload turned on you may use up your bandwidth and diskspace fast if someone start uploading huge files. :D

You can also setup an anonymous ftp message that are customised to your needs and that will show up anytime users try to ftp to your site. :D


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Yeah, I was making the accounts. I want each of the people I'm hosting to have a subdomain which I've already set aside...but I'm not sure how to let them log in. Do they have to log in via the Cpanel?

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You don't want to give them access to your cPanel. If you do then you gave up your control over it.


In cPanel you go to "SubDomains" under the "Site Management Tools" create the subdomain and then:


f you wish to grant virtual ftp access to this subdomain, just create a ftp user with the same username as the subdomain base name that is listed inside the ( ).


If you are recieving errors about the subdomain not resolving to a valid ip address, subdomains are not enabled on your account.


Let me know if this is what you were looking for?


You can set quota for the ftp accounts you create so they don't eat all your bandwidt... :D



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I've done that part, but I can't figure out how to let them log into their file manager or upload files to their appropriate folders. Since I'm hosting at least three sites for my friends, I set the quota at about 10 MB for now. But I hate having to have them send their files and have me upload them. Is there anyway to get around this?

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I'm not sure if I understand your question, I have answered it as far as I understand. They have access to their own space only.Your space is "yourspace.astahost.com"then you give your buddy some space called "buddy1.yourspace.trap17.com"now you create a ftp account called "ftp.buddy1.yourspace.trap17.com"If you created a folder in "yourspace.trap17.com/buddy1" then you did not create a subdomain, you created a "Folder"Nils

Edited by NilsC (see edit history)

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